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November 14, 2023, 01:43:26 PM Last Edit: November 24, 2023, 12:05:38 AM by Joshua
Hello Mafia Scene,

Sorry for the down time the last few days. I have been working to transition the forum to something that most regular users of old Mafia Scene are comfortable with along with a style re-design to make it feel more like the site we've all come to love.

Some of the changes:
  • Front page re-design
  • Shop - users can buy, trade, sell items and display them on their profile
  • Game Room - users can buy a one month pass for 50 bank notes and have access to the game room for 30 days
  • Username Change - users can now change their forum username, but it will cost you!
  • Downloads - got the downloads section working (if you are a mod creator and want to host your file, please let me know)
  • Users can choose their native language - and have access to a native language board.

These are just some of the things I've been working on.