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Messages - zahar999

Mafia 2 Multiplayer / any updates?
June 15, 2012, 10:13:18 PM
Quoteshould arrange an appointment accurate (time and date) in freddy' date=' to drink a beer all together.[/quote']

yes,so well

only a problem of language

I do not know English



how do you then do it all?

I can not edit the file "freeraid_m2mp"

is game crashes


they do not block the file "port"

I do not use the original version of the game

I cheated, "Steam"

I play through a "mafia ii - public demo"

Mafia 2 Multiplayer / any updates?
June 15, 2012, 06:03:58 PM

it was fun to meet you in the game!

sorry that we do not see each other in their original form


I was so



Mafia II/Multiplayer & Super mod(choice 40s 50s)



You can fight the gangs and the police

Of course I understand others do not see them

but the player is much more fun!
Mafia 2 Multiplayer / any updates?
June 15, 2012, 02:13:33 PM

what "injector" you are using?

When I turn on the "injector" my game just crashes


my name is mrSergey1940

What's your name?

sorry that we can not talk to "chat"

problem of language
Quote...example in your video at 4.03' date=' you search the E-Key menu.[/quote']

yes exactly

I could not understand why so

it should be?

or am I wrong somewhere wrote something

Mafia 2 Multiplayer / any updates?
June 12, 2012, 05:12:20 PM

Thank you!

I'll try to try to play

E-Key menu is disabled in the area of gate openings - I do not understand


two funny animations for Joe

Joe's Adventures/..../missionscript/dlc_01gasstation



I only searches file for Spanish and Italian. ??!


a little more fun in your FR


<div class="ipsSpoiler_header">

<div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div></div>





[hr:33t4p4x6][/hr:33t4p4x6]Edit by eXistenZ34




Info : E-Key menu is disabled in the area of gate openings.
General, Off Topic / The pianist
June 12, 2012, 02:41:17 PM

file for the piano is

Mafia II/pc/sds/music/Radio/piano/though_of_you

You can make any kind of music

just to a format "FSB"

I changed to a the music

of the old "Soviet Union" movie

Music by M.Tariverdiev

I really like



If you want to I can do for you any kind of music
Mafia 2 Multiplayer / any updates?
June 12, 2012, 01:44:20 AM
this is another nonsense

We waited almost a month countdown

Now we were told only that ... blic-beta/
Mod Help / Empire Bay HQ Textures 2.5
June 12, 2012, 01:26:19 AM

yes you are well aware

maybe you are from Russia?

to the "SUPER MOD" there is addition

something else you can find it here Mafia 2 "Freeride M2-????????????" Updated in the last message


Now the texture work?
Mod Help / Empire Bay HQ Textures 2.5
June 11, 2012, 07:53:18 PM
QuoteIf you own a licenced game put "ground_leto.sds" in pcsdsground folder. Only way itll work, correct?

If you DONT own a licenced copy , just stick "cnt_empire_bay_hq_textures_by_bear_grylls" in "pcdlcs" folder

yeah all right


what kind of do you use my mod?
Mod Help / Empire Bay HQ Textures 2.5
June 11, 2012, 07:32:44 PM

you are strange

third time you ask the same question

twice I've already answered

you want that I quote myself again


If your game is taking someone else's DLC

Then simply insert "cnt_empire_bay_hq_textures_by_bear_grylls"

in Mafia IIpcdlcs

You could do this for a long time to test

and you ask questions and wait for an answer

can check it yourself

unfortunately I can not help you

with the sounds of Russia

I do not have the original

I changed the voices of Joe,Vito,Henry

as in the Russian translation not obscene expletives

and I have replaced many of the replicas

on the English swear words

I hope someone will help you to Russia



you can do to chase a shooting Joe and Tony in v3.1?

I had done in the v2.0

it works well

and it's fun
Mod Help / Empire Bay HQ Textures 2.5
June 11, 2012, 06:56:07 PM

If you have a licensed game

then someone else's DL?

will not work


I wrote to you

You have to take a file ground_leto.sds from the archive

and paste it into your game Mafia IIpcsdsground


take the file "ground_leto.sds" of "cnt_empire_bay_hq_textures_by_bear_grylls"

and paste it into your game


Well, what you do not understand

your screenshots

that's for sure LOL
Quotezahar999Tony's voice that says "Vito" and not "Joe"

Once again, faced with cut parts of the game


in Joe's Adventures

in missions in scripts I've seen cut entire chapters(for winter)



they participated, Tony and Eddie

and the old family apartment Vito

apparently Joe's Adventures should have been full game


You do the animation for the home(sleep,toilet)?





Now you are ready to change "delizia grandeamerica" ??on the piano?