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Messages - ocram

the guy on the right side use a cheat ;P
nice, numbers are sometimes frightening



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One person commits suicide about every 40 seconds, one person is murdered every 60 seconds and one person dies in armed conflict every 100 seconds


Mafia 2 Multiplayer / any updates?
June 25, 2012, 06:04:37 PM
@ Zahar #9231
v6 is more stable than v7 , and v7 will crash also if you use delaybuffers as stated earlier by eXistenZ.

now when the game crashes it sometimes corrupt the save, make a new clean slot and a copy of it to replace when happening
Mafia 2 Multiplayer / any updates?
June 24, 2012, 01:28:42 PM


Well,in case you are right, and he does not activate boss cars, means about the fact he does not activate boss cars for you to test them. nothing about whoever found it first !  <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink.png" alt="" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">


Je dis, dans le cas ou tu as raison sur le fait qu'il ne veuille pas activer les voitures boss.(je ne parle pas de qui a trouvÃÆé quoi!) il disait en 2010 que leur mode serait developpÃÆé dans l'esprit de laisser les gens faire leur mode de type freeride ou autre avec. donc si cela na pas changÃÆé tu pourras le mixer a ta sauce, ce que je souhaite bien evidemment.   <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue.png" alt="" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">



Well, I'll try to make the menu for cheats and see if I can catch what it calls inside memory buffers.

but I think that they probably took the commands out of the engine. will see


what do you mean by   'ibid' ? , I think I found the green line already but I have to make the click on map work for the Taxi with it, had no time to test yet, soon
Introduction & Returning Members / A big hello
June 23, 2012, 11:06:16 AM
welcome to you spaghettino,

[sub:3vydr3sb]I have been amoungged not long ago   <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue.png" alt="" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"> [/sub:3vydr3sb]
Mafia 2 Multiplayer / any updates?
June 23, 2012, 10:40:56 AM

[hide]I effectively came accross that, as many other things into this game, but I do not stop on it, as I am really after the green ligne navigation.

but for a start here is the command into there context for the game:


?  ??? ???????  ??? ?????? ??  ??? ,  ???  ?  ??? ???  ??? ???  ??? ? ?  ??? ?  ??? ?, ?? ? ??  ??? ???????????? ??  ??? ?,  ???   ???  ?  ??? ??????????  ??? ??  ??? ???? Ligne  ??? ??????.

??  ???   ??? ???  ???   ???   ??? ???? ?  ??? ?????  ??? ?:






























but now, I think that when entering the cheat code, the game just execute the lua command:

for example:


??  ??? ???, ?  ??? ??,  ???   ???   ??? ??  ??? -???,  ??? ?  ??? ???  ??? ??????  ??? ???? Lua:

??? ?????:







But there is no other cheat command into the game, so I think that they have simply been taken out same as many things...


??  ???   ??? ????  ??? ???  ??? ???  ??? ?? ?  ??? ?,  ???   ???  ?  ??? ??,  ???   ???   ??? ?  ??? ???  ??? ????? ??,  ???  ?  ??? ???  ??? ? ...



but we never know, give me access to the cheat menu, I ll try to get what it calls into the game.


?? ??  ??? ???? ??  ??? ??,  ??? ??  ???   ??? ??? ?  ??? -????, ?  ??? ???????,  ??? ??  ??? ????? ??,  ???   ???   ??? ????? ?  ??? ?.
Mod Help / .bin Files in Mafia 2
June 23, 2012, 12:23:59 AM


You can use SDS Tool GUI to unpack in an extracted folder do you changes with notepad or better into the xml file then repack using the inversed arrow of SDS Tool GUI

or you could also use  rick tools Gibbed.Illusion.ExploreSDS.exe and edit directly the xml file from the program itself.

now for the bin files, I am not able to, they are zlib compression,so... but I did not take the time yet to try them out
in addition to what johncena said , dont forget to go in avira configuration, advanced, Real time protection, research, exeption and add the mafia2 folder in the exeption list.

put avira in game mode as well with automatic allow before lauching injector.


and see if you still have the trouble, invalid Windows Application, then you can take avira out of the equation, it is something else.

are you on 64 bit, xp 32bit is fine with injector 6 or 7 with avira
General, Off Topic / Re: JOKES TOPIC
June 23, 2012, 12:08:35 AM
nice guys,


I just hope I would be able too  to write some jokes in english,


but well thinking about it, in some ways anything I write in english is a joke  :lol:
General, Off Topic / Have a great Summer fellas :)
June 23, 2012, 12:04:00 AM
Nice, hope you enjoyed yourself,

and I wish the same to all others going abroad ... or just next door   :s illy:  this summer.

[sub:1oc7usfs]time for me to go fetch some uzo[/sub:1oc7usfs]  :evil:
Mafia 2 Multiplayer / any updates?
June 23, 2012, 12:00:09 AM

Well,in case you are right, and he does not activate boss cars

(and if it have not changed because quite old), that's what was said in octobre 2010 by Aaron:


"Yes, we're aiming for the SA-MP Style servers where owners can create their own gamemodes and such. (Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Roleplay, Freeroam, etc..) "


So if it still stands,nothing is closed for making the changes you want to on the mp. at least I hope  ??:



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I don't know if it is a coincidence but

@  Aaron   :   (23 June 2012 - 12:38 AM) Working on vehicles - still reversing to get my vehicle creation functions working



Mafia 2 Multiplayer / any updates?
June 22, 2012, 02:55:12 PM


Just explain him that instead :


When you unload some StreamMapLine, there is some leftover entities, and they might be seen by everyone in mp.

so if they are activated server side, it could be tested.


Peut ÃÆêtre un problÃÆème de clartÃÆé de translation, il n'a pas l'air contre du moment que ÃÆça n'affecte pas la collision du sol, et ÃÆça tu lui as dÃÆéjÃÆà montrÃÆé
General, Off Topic / JA-FR 3.0 BUG BUG BUG
June 22, 2012, 02:25:26 PM
Pour info cela m'arrive aussi plusieurs fois et si je me souviens bien menu E et anim umbrela dans la voiture, mais je ne sais plus. ou peut etre en essayant de jouer une anim quelconque en voiture alors quel n'etait pas prevue pour.


It happened to  me several time, but If I remember well something to do with umbrella  anim started in car, or when I tryed any other anim inside car that was not supposed to
General, Off Topic / JA-FR 3.0 BUG BUG BUG
June 22, 2012, 06:16:40 AM
This is not a bug, this is nice driving skills   :s illy: