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Topics - eXistenZ34

eXistenZ34's Mods / Script Car Entity
June 28, 2012, 09:48:00 AM

[align=center:3grwrbs6]Script Car Entity


[align=center:3grwrbs6]there are different possibility, depending on the command "StreamMapLine"


used and different inconvenience.



1 Script.

already present in FR M2


just need to activate and position, no inconvenience.


game.entitywrapper:GetEntityByName("Hunter"):SetPos(Math:newVector(-1314.20, 1006.21,-18.63))



game.entitywrapper:GetEntityByName("Escaper"):SetPos(Math:newVector(-1314.20, 1006.21,-18.63))




2 Script.

For FR M2

Realized with injector in 2 step, inconvenience after activation "StreamMapLine" bodyguard Joe & Henry disappears.



<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>[/youtube:3grwrbs6][/align:3grwrbs6] 

[align=center:3grwrbs6]Download NEW Script and without error, here :
eXistenZ34's Mods / New on my work
July 09, 2012, 06:40:23 PM

[align=center:1jyi13i3]Here's some news for the future of FR JA and FR M2.



- Update v3.0 to v3.1 for FR JA


- New FR JA & FR M2 (version Ultra

file "dlc_freeraid_main.sds" & "freeraid main.sds" have a limit size (16.5
 Ko FR JA, 19
 Ko FR M2) and we have already reached its limits.


But since 2 week I work on another "missionscript" file for FR JA with 200
 Ko Max.



and since 3 day for FR M2 300
 Ko max.




for zahaar
 I found better than "game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("summer")"


without activation of StreamMapLine, I managed to activate for FR JA

automatic activation

- Vito apartment

- Eric apartment

- room restaurant chiness

- garage Empire Arms Hotel & laundry

- misery lane

- Supermarket

- Room Maltese Falcon

- SeaGift's Office

- Prices office

- corridor Maria Agnelo

- Arcade

- Full Construction Site


and also automatic activation for

- Villa Hillwood

- Leo Villa

- Kingstone Station

- New area garage
eXistenZ34's Mods / Multi Script for FR M2
July 19, 2012, 04:29:04 PM

[align=center:2mnoos9l]Multi Script for FR M2



[align=center:2mnoos9l]For Modders

[align=center:2mnoos9l]Here is a list of this script in M2 (not used), but which can be modified to perform missions, race car, Hunter Mod or Escape Mod.



[align=center:2mnoos9l]Here is an example of a small script (mission) to win money.



[align=center:2mnoos9l]<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>[/align:2mnoos9l]



[align=center:2mnoos9l]These scripts are used only for Vito, Joe and Henry are automatically disabled.

you can call the script directly from the FR with the use of a Show Quest Dialog.


In the video I use injector and God Mod it's just for Test.[/align:2mnoos9l]


[align=center:2mnoos9l]Download Basic structure :
[/size] [/size]

[url=]Script Test [/size]Bombers_01.lua



[align=center:2mnoos9l]List of usable Scripts and Entity





<div class="ipsSpoiler_header">


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_bomber_m01_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_bombers_01.sds --> Bombers_01.lua


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_bomber_m02_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_bombers_02.sds --> Bombers_02.lua


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_bomber_m03_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_bombers_03.sds --> Bombers_03.lua


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_bomber_m04_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_bombers_04.sds --> Bombers_04.lua


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_bomber_m05_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_bombers_05.sds --> Bombers_05.lua


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_bomber_m06_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_bombers_06.sds --> Bombers_06.lua


Divers Entity : bedna_01
 to bedna_04
 (wooden case)


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_bomber_m07_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_bombers_07.sds --> Bombers_07.lua


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_bomber_m08_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_bombers_08.sds --> Bombers_08.lua


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_bomber_m09_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_bombers_09.sds --> Bombers_09.lua


Car Entity : boss_car
 /  car_01
 to car_05
  (lassiter 75)


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_bomber_m10_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_bombers_10.sds --> Bombers_10.lua


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30








<div class="ipsSpoiler_header">


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_chinese_m01_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_chinese_01 --> Chinese_01.lua


Divers Entity : bedna_01
 to bedna_13
 (wooden case)


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_chinese_m02_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_chinese_02 --> Chinese_02.lua


Divers Entity ; bedna_01
 (wooden case)


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_chinese_m03_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_chinese_03 --> Chinese_03.lua


Car Entity : car1
 / car2


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_chinese_m04_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_chinese_04 --> Chinese_04.lua


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_chinese_m05_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_chinese_05 --> Chinese_05.lua


Car Entity : bossCar


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_chinese_m06_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_chinese_06 --> Chinese_06.lua


Car Entity : bossCar


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_chinese_m07_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_chinese_07 --> Chinese_07.lua


Car Entity : explodeCar
 / explosion


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_chinese_m08_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_chinese_08 --> Chinese_08.lua


Car Entity : chinCar1
 / chinCar12
 / chinCar13


Human Entity : boss1
 / boss2
 / boss1_special
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_chinese_m09_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_chinese_09 --> Chinese_09.lua


Car Entity : car_01
 to car_06


Human Entity : boss1
 / boss1_special
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_chinese_m10_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_chinese_10 --> Chinese_10.lua


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30








<div class="ipsSpoiler_header">


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_italian_m01_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_italy_01 --> Italy_01.lua


Car Entity : car1
 to car4
   (ISW 508)


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30
 / enemyMelee1
 to enemyMelee3


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_italian_m02_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_italy_02 --> Italy_02.lua


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_italian_m03_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_italy_03 --> Italy_03.lua


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30
 / enemyMelee1
 to enemyMelee3


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_italian_m04_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_italy_04 --> Italy_04.lua


Truck Entity : playerTanker
 / tanker1
 / tanker2


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30
 / enemyMelee1
 to enemyMelee3


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_italian_m05_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_italy_05 --> Italy_05.lua


Car Entity : lassiter1
 to lassiter3
 (75) / shubert1
 to shubert4


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30
 / enemyMelee1
 to enemyMelee3


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_italian_m06_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_italy_06 --> Italy_06.lua


Car Entity : lassiter1
 to lassiter5
 (69) / shubert1
 to shubert4


Human Entity : boss1
 / deadBodyGuard
  / enemy1
 to enemy30
 / enemyMelee1
 to enemyMelee3
 / accountant


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_italian_m07_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_italy_07 --> Italy_07.lua


Car Entity : boss_car


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30
 / enemyMelee1
 to enemyMelee3


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_italian_m08_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_italy_08 --> Italy_08.lua


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30
 / enemyMelee1
 to enemyMelee3
 / civil1


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_italian_m09_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_italy_09 --> Italy_09.lua


Truck Entity : truck_01_car
 to truck_07_car


Car Entity : gang_car_01_car
 to gang_car_04_car


Human Entity : boss1
 / enemy1
 to enemy30
 / enemyMelee1
 to enemyMelee3








<div class="ipsSpoiler_header">


To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_irish_m01_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_irish_01 --> Irish_01.lua



To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_irish_m02_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_irish_02 --> Irish_02.lua



To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_irish_m03_load")


Location : pc/sds/script : fr_irish_03 --> Irish_03.lua



To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_irish_m04_load")



To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_irish_m05_load")



To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_irish_m06_load")



To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_irish_m07_load")



To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_irish_m08_load")



To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_irish_m09_load")



To call the script, use : game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_irish_m10_load")







there are some other as : fr_distillery.sds, fr_mansion.sds, fr_galante.sds ......
eXistenZ34's Mods / Cabriolet Car
July 30, 2012, 12:32:41 AM

[align=center:2fs9igdp]Cabriolet Car



Jefferson Provincial


For Summer Only







The reason is simple,  I don't have enough space in the script

Script LUA in freeraid_main.sds (M2) or in dlc_freeraid_main.sds (JA) can not exceed 61.4Ko.

if script LUA = 61.5Ko, game crash.


Fr M2 by Zahaar = 61.4Ko, it can no longer add anything in the script.


FR JA v3.0 = 61.0Ko, I can narrow it down a little, but it is not enough for add all news.



But since the beginning of the year I work on the implementation of FR JA Ultra v1.0


- it is not compatible with FR JA v3.0

- advantage Script LUA Max 810Ko + 300Ko File Animation (this is not much 3 to 5, additional animation)

- but I still have some problem, as the function "summer to winter"



PS : for Staff I no longer find how to pin a topic
eXistenZ34's Mods / Full story of Joe Unlock
May 19, 2013, 02:18:20 PM

[align=center:1qkf6cre]Full story of Joe Unlock v1.0


[align=center:1qkf6cre]with E-Key menu player, Car and more.


[align=center:1qkf6cre]This is my new work in progress for the DLC JA  







[align=center:1qkf6cre]Cathouse original script + various options v1.0  





[align=center:1qkf6cre]Original cathouse[/align:1qkf6cre]



[align=center:1qkf6cre]Original cathouse + Option[/align:1qkf6cre]






[align=center:1qkf6cre]<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>[/align:1qkf6cre]



[align=center:1qkf6cre]Here is a parts of the options and objective to make.


- To unlock Tony and apartment Uptownn. 100%

-- Realize the mission : Connection.




- To unlock Marty and his apartment. 100%

-- Realize the mission : Saving Marty.




- To win a car Delizia Grandeamerica. original mission 100%

-- Realize the mission : Bet On That.




- To win a car Smith Stingray pha Full Option. 0%

-- Realize the mission : Greaseballs' Arena.




- Villa to buy 0%

-- Greenfield.

-- Leo.

-- Hillwood.


- Kiosque (40/40) to buy : Journal 100%
and Cigarette 0%
(Pack of 5).

-- Maybe also ammo or drink.


- Divers Missions 0%

-- flight cars achieve in Bruski's office ....

Idea and Command LUA found by Nemesis7675
 , LUA script rewritten by me.

-- Flight tanker and sale of gasoline in achieving Giuseppe's office ...


- License for a weapon. 100%


- I will also edit script of eric's flat. realization in court

-- for activated PNJ in stair

-- clean up a bit

-- disable Eric and create option with the bitch for Joe.

-- option for dancing


- I've made ââ¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹a menu for Tony and Marty accéssible directly with E-Key menu player. 100%

-- You can choose 3 different weapon

--- Spécial 1911

--- Shotgun

--- Thompson 1928

-- remove Hat / put Hat

-- Follow me and protects me / Wait or Attack


- Automatic Open & Close gate when you are inside a car for: 100%

-- Forge

-- Clemente

-- Leo villa

-- HillWood villa

-- Big Garage

-- Body's Shop also (also when you are walk)


- I can also activate five other PNJ, but it is deactivated when approaching icons mission. 0%

-- but some can be used in the apartment for have women for Joe (2 bitch).

-- or have reinforcements in certain circumstances (3 PNJ).



- in the garage, car automatically available.

-- 3 Hot Rod

-- Police cars

-- Taxi cars

-- jeep


- Bus & Tram simulation

-- Script rewrite

- Menu Player

-- Script rewrite

- Menu Car

-- Script rewrite

- Real Open Doors

-- Script rewrite


[align=center:1qkf6cre]And also everything that was expected in FR JA v4.0



Thank you to everyone who has helped develop the modding M2

, Gvozden
, Costa
, Andrashi
, Danwell
, Orangpelupa
, Dgumba


Thank you to all those who continue to look for new info

 and members of the Russian community
 (very active).