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Mafia Mod Request / Some how
January 26, 2012, 02:42:31 PM
Some one made mod call Vito Vendetta
I would like to see Joe Vendetta
I would like to see Joe Vendetta
General, Off Topic / I just receive an FBI bulletin
January 27, 2012, 09:27:22 PM
General, Off Topic / Quebec city, it the time
January 29, 2012, 05:14:34 AM
[align=center:2jvdze1c]To have fun and party for 2 weeks " data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"> :lol: " data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
<div><iframe width="459" height="344" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MpmjN0S-IyU?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div> [/align:2jvdze1c]
<div><iframe width="459" height="344" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MpmjN0S-IyU?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div> [/align:2jvdze1c]
French / Famille Rizzuto
February 02, 2012, 11:20:57 AM
Le clan Rizzuto est une des principales Ãâë familles Ãâû mafieuses de MontrÃÆéal. Il est dirigÃÆé par Vito Rizzuto, prÃÆésumÃÆé chef de la mafia montrÃÆéalaise, nÃÆé en Sicile en 1946 et immigrÃÆé au Canada avec sa famille en 1954.
Le clan Rizzuto est liÃÆé au groupe Contrera-Caruana, spÃÆécialisÃÆé dans le trafic de stupÃÆéfiants. Il a ÃÆétÃÆé alliÃÆé ÃÆàla famille Cotroni, qui a contrÃÆôlÃÆé la majeure partie du trafic de stupÃÆéfiants ÃÆàMontrÃÆéal dans les annÃÆées 1970 en association avec la famille Bonanno de New York. Les Rizzuto sont considÃÆérÃÆés comme le bras armÃÆé du clan Bonanno ÃÆàMontrÃÆéal, base arriÃÆère de New York, trÃÆès surveillÃÆée par la police fÃÆédÃÆérale amÃÆéricaine, le FBI.
Dans les ann̮̩es 1980, les Rizzuto ont ̮̩merg̮̩ comme famille mafieuse dominante apr̮̬s une guerre entre factions siciliennes et calabraises au cours de laquelle a ̮̩t̮̩ assassin̮̩ Paolo Violi, un lieutenant de la famille new-yorkaise Bonanno.
Selon les autoritÃÆés canadiennes, les Rizzuto ont eu un rÃÆôle-clÃÆé dans l'importation, l'exportation et la distribution de stupÃÆéfiants (marijuana, cocaÃÆïne, hÃÆéroÃÆïne) au Canada et dans toute l'AmÃÆérique du Nord, le blanchiment de centaines de millions de dollars, le jeu illÃÆégal, la fraude, les prÃÆêts usuraires et les extorsions de fonds.
Selon les journalistes Lee Lamothe et Adrian Humphreys, les Rizzuto seraient au dÃÆébut des annÃÆées 2000 la Ãâë sixiÃÆème famille Ãâû, traitant d'ÃÆégal ÃÆàÃÆégal avec les cinq familles de Cosa Nostra de New York1.
Depuis fin 2009, leur pouvoir est fortement ÃÆébranlÃÆé suite ÃÆàune sÃÆérie d'assassinats de ses principaux membres.
Le pÃÆère Nicolo Rizzuto, dit Nick Rizzuto. Abattu d'un coup de feu ÃÆàsa rÃÆésidence le 10 novembre 2010.
Les fils :
Vito Rizzuto, connu sous le sobriquet de Teflon Don. Actuel chef du clan Rizzuto et emprisonnÃÆé aux ÃÆââ¬Â°tats-Unis. Selon un entretien de Francesco Di Carlo, un repenti sicilien, avec W-Five, Vito Rizzuto reprÃÆésenterait Cosa Nostra au Canada.
Nicolo Rizzuto, assassin̮̩ en d̮̩cembre 2009
Autres membres : Paolo Renda enlev̮̩ en mai 2010 et que l'on n'a pas retrouv̮̩ fin 2010, Rocco Sollecito, Francesco Arcadi, Felice Italiano, Mike Lapolla, Giovanni Bertolo, Francesco Velenos, Sam Fasulo, Federico Del Pescio, Paolo Renda, Agostino Cuntrera abattu en juin 2010 avec son garde du corps3
Quelques associ̮̩s : Beniamino Zappia (Milan, Montr̮̩al)5
Nick Rizzuto et ses trois lieutenants avaient ÃÆétÃÆé arrÃÆêtÃÆés dans le cadre de l'opÃÆération ColisÃÆée et incarcÃÆérÃÆés ÃÆàla prison de Bordeaux de MontrÃÆéal. En dÃÆécembre 2010, Nick Rizzuto (fils de Vito) a ÃÆétÃÆé abattu en pleine rue ÃÆàMontrÃÆéal.
Activit̮̩s internationales
En 2007, le clan Rizzuto fait l'objet d'une enquÃÆête internationale pour le blanchiment de plusieurs centaines de millions de narcodollars (environ 600 millions d'euros, soit 900 millions de dollars). Des enquÃÆêtes contre des mafiosi liÃÆés au clan Rizzuto sont en cours en Italie, en Suisse, en France et ÃÆàMontrÃÆéal.
Activit̮̩s en Italie
Le 23 octobre 2007, la justice italienne a annoncÃÆé l'ÃÆémission de mandats d'arrÃÆêt contre 19 personnes liÃÆées au clan Rizzuto. Une dizaine de personnes sont ÃÆécrouÃÆées en Italie, en Suisse et en France. Plus de 200 policiers italiens ont effectuÃÆé 40 perquisitions et saisi ou bloquÃÆé environ 212 millions de dollars, principalement ÃÆàRome et ÃÆàMilan.
Deux employ̮̩s de la Banca del Veneto, en Italie, auraient blanchi de l'argent du clan en Suisse et ont ̮̩t̮̩ arr̮̻t̮̩s en octobre 2007.
Le clan Rizzuto est liÃÆé au groupe Contrera-Caruana, spÃÆécialisÃÆé dans le trafic de stupÃÆéfiants. Il a ÃÆétÃÆé alliÃÆé ÃÆàla famille Cotroni, qui a contrÃÆôlÃÆé la majeure partie du trafic de stupÃÆéfiants ÃÆàMontrÃÆéal dans les annÃÆées 1970 en association avec la famille Bonanno de New York. Les Rizzuto sont considÃÆérÃÆés comme le bras armÃÆé du clan Bonanno ÃÆàMontrÃÆéal, base arriÃÆère de New York, trÃÆès surveillÃÆée par la police fÃÆédÃÆérale amÃÆéricaine, le FBI.
Dans les ann̮̩es 1980, les Rizzuto ont ̮̩merg̮̩ comme famille mafieuse dominante apr̮̬s une guerre entre factions siciliennes et calabraises au cours de laquelle a ̮̩t̮̩ assassin̮̩ Paolo Violi, un lieutenant de la famille new-yorkaise Bonanno.
Selon les autoritÃÆés canadiennes, les Rizzuto ont eu un rÃÆôle-clÃÆé dans l'importation, l'exportation et la distribution de stupÃÆéfiants (marijuana, cocaÃÆïne, hÃÆéroÃÆïne) au Canada et dans toute l'AmÃÆérique du Nord, le blanchiment de centaines de millions de dollars, le jeu illÃÆégal, la fraude, les prÃÆêts usuraires et les extorsions de fonds.
Selon les journalistes Lee Lamothe et Adrian Humphreys, les Rizzuto seraient au dÃÆébut des annÃÆées 2000 la Ãâë sixiÃÆème famille Ãâû, traitant d'ÃÆégal ÃÆàÃÆégal avec les cinq familles de Cosa Nostra de New York1.
Depuis fin 2009, leur pouvoir est fortement ÃÆébranlÃÆé suite ÃÆàune sÃÆérie d'assassinats de ses principaux membres.
Le pÃÆère Nicolo Rizzuto, dit Nick Rizzuto. Abattu d'un coup de feu ÃÆàsa rÃÆésidence le 10 novembre 2010.
Les fils :
Vito Rizzuto, connu sous le sobriquet de Teflon Don. Actuel chef du clan Rizzuto et emprisonnÃÆé aux ÃÆââ¬Â°tats-Unis. Selon un entretien de Francesco Di Carlo, un repenti sicilien, avec W-Five, Vito Rizzuto reprÃÆésenterait Cosa Nostra au Canada.
Nicolo Rizzuto, assassin̮̩ en d̮̩cembre 2009
Autres membres : Paolo Renda enlev̮̩ en mai 2010 et que l'on n'a pas retrouv̮̩ fin 2010, Rocco Sollecito, Francesco Arcadi, Felice Italiano, Mike Lapolla, Giovanni Bertolo, Francesco Velenos, Sam Fasulo, Federico Del Pescio, Paolo Renda, Agostino Cuntrera abattu en juin 2010 avec son garde du corps3
Quelques associ̮̩s : Beniamino Zappia (Milan, Montr̮̩al)5
Nick Rizzuto et ses trois lieutenants avaient ÃÆétÃÆé arrÃÆêtÃÆés dans le cadre de l'opÃÆération ColisÃÆée et incarcÃÆérÃÆés ÃÆàla prison de Bordeaux de MontrÃÆéal. En dÃÆécembre 2010, Nick Rizzuto (fils de Vito) a ÃÆétÃÆé abattu en pleine rue ÃÆàMontrÃÆéal.
Activit̮̩s internationales
En 2007, le clan Rizzuto fait l'objet d'une enquÃÆête internationale pour le blanchiment de plusieurs centaines de millions de narcodollars (environ 600 millions d'euros, soit 900 millions de dollars). Des enquÃÆêtes contre des mafiosi liÃÆés au clan Rizzuto sont en cours en Italie, en Suisse, en France et ÃÆàMontrÃÆéal.
Activit̮̩s en Italie
Le 23 octobre 2007, la justice italienne a annoncÃÆé l'ÃÆémission de mandats d'arrÃÆêt contre 19 personnes liÃÆées au clan Rizzuto. Une dizaine de personnes sont ÃÆécrouÃÆées en Italie, en Suisse et en France. Plus de 200 policiers italiens ont effectuÃÆé 40 perquisitions et saisi ou bloquÃÆé environ 212 millions de dollars, principalement ÃÆàRome et ÃÆàMilan.
Deux employ̮̩s de la Banca del Veneto, en Italie, auraient blanchi de l'argent du clan en Suisse et ont ̮̩t̮̩ arr̮̻t̮̩s en octobre 2007.
French / Lavoie (Donald)
February 03, 2012, 02:30:15 AM
Meurtrier (tueur ÃÆàgages) nÃÆé ÃÆàChicoutimi (Saguenay) en 1942. Tueur attitrÃÆé du gang des frÃÆères Dubois pendant 10 ou 12 ans. En juin 1971, il abat Louis Fournier, le propriÃÆétaire du Jan-Lou CafÃÆé et Robert BeauprÃÆé, le gÃÆérant du cafÃÆé parce qu'ils avaient refusÃÆé la protection du clan Dubois. ArrÃÆêtÃÆé ÃÆàNew York, il est accusÃÆé de meurtre, mais, ÃÆàla suite de tÃÆémoignages contradictoires, il est acquittÃÆé en 1972. Le 25 juillet 1973, lui et Claude Dubeau agissant sur ordre de Claude Dubois abattent Richard Desormiers et Jacques-AndrÃÆé Bourassa pendant que Yvon Belzile vole l'automobile de DÃÆésormiers. Lavoie assistait aux noces de Michel Dubeau au Quality Inn de la rue Sherbrooke ÃÆàMontrÃÆéal lorsqu'il entendit une conversation entre Claude Dubois et Alain Charron qui discutaient de son assassinat ; il rÃÆéussit ÃÆàs'ÃÆéchapper en se jetant dans la chute ÃÆàlinge de l'hÃÆôtel. Lui et Jean Tremblay, dont les Dubois veulent aussi se dÃÆébarrasser, dÃÆécident de lutter contre eux. Le 7 dÃÆécembre 1980, pour financer leur lutte, ils kidnappent le banquier Thomas Prucha, son ÃÆépouse et sa belle-mÃÆère ; pendant que Lavoie garde les deux femmes, Tremblay conduit Pricha ÃÆàsa banque oÃÆù ce dernier retire 135 000 $ qu'il remet aux deux kidnapeurs. Le 23 dÃÆécembre 1980, la police l'arrÃÆête ÃÆàson chalet de Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez ; il passe NoÃÆël en prison et dÃÆécide de devenir dÃÆélateur pour sauver sa peau. GrÃÆâce ÃÆàson tÃÆémoignage, le clan des frÃÆères Dubois est anÃÆéanti. Il admet avoir tuÃÆé 15 personnes au cours de sa carriÃÆère de tueur, mais on croit qu'il aurait participÃÆé ÃÆàau moins 25 assassinats.
General, Off Topic / Technical history
February 03, 2012, 07:35:00 PM
I just baught a Blue ray burner
And it just trigger my memory
The first time i saw a computer i was about 16 and it llok like that but a little smaller
and they use to store information ain that:
Then came the floppy disk an 8 inches flooy
and the the 5 1/2
and then the hard drive you need about a course to use it
and now on the size of a dvd you can store 50 gigs of data
And it just trigger my memory
The first time i saw a computer i was about 16 and it llok like that but a little smaller
and they use to store information ain that:
Then came the floppy disk an 8 inches flooy
and the the 5 1/2
and then the hard drive you need about a course to use it
and now on the size of a dvd you can store 50 gigs of data
General, Off Topic / Carnaval time
February 04, 2012, 12:05:29 PM
It amaze me year after year those artists are to much and they came has far has china
you gave them a pile of snow and they will turn it into fine art
you gave them a pile of snow and they will turn it into fine art
General, Off Topic / Who never made one,
February 05, 2012, 11:40:15 AM
[align=center:1qe46b8j]Who never build a rubber bands gun to kill our toy soldiers
i found someone that took the art of rubber band gun to a superior level hmy: hmy: hmy:[/align:1qe46b8j]
<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/u9Bh7JqVw-o?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div> [/align:1qe46b8j]
[align=center:1qe46b8j]PS: not to use on any life form
i found someone that took the art of rubber band gun to a superior level hmy: hmy: hmy:[/align:1qe46b8j]
<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/u9Bh7JqVw-o?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div> [/align:1qe46b8j]
[align=center:1qe46b8j]PS: not to use on any life form
Real Mob Stories / Green River Killer
February 05, 2012, 08:50:57 PM
Serial killers always make interesting research. Their crimes, methods, and bizarre thought behaviors never cease to amaze us. Sadly, the most interesting cases are typically the ones that baffle authorities and allow the killer to ply his trade unhindered, upping his body count as the days tick by.
The name of this case is derived from the Green River, a river that begins in Washington State and empties into the Puget Sound in Seattle. Near the river is the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, built in 1942. As with any international airport, the area around it quickly grew as businesses sprouted to cater to the many travelers who crossed through its gates. One major throughway that runs near the airport is Aurora Avenue. Just off the Pacific Coast Highway, Aurora Avenue is known casually as the Sea-Tac Strip. This hustle and bustle Strip is a haven of dingy clubs, seedy motels, and of course, many prostitutes. On any given night, hundreds of prostitutes could be seen hanging around the street corners propositioning passerbys as they drove by. When a customer was found and a transaction initiated, they could simply take their tricks to one of the nearby motels or one of the many vacant buildings or empty side streets.
The Killings Begin
Our story begins on July 15, 1982 when two boys riding their bicycles noticed something in the water that caught their eye. Riding alongside the Peck Bridge near Kent, Washington, the boys found the body of a young woman floating in the Green River. Kent County police were notified and arrived on the scene to find a 16 year old girl, later identified as Wendy Lee Coffield, with a pair of jeans wrapped tightly around her neck. She had been raped and strangled to death. Wendy, a local prostitute who had been missing for 8 days from a nearby foster home, would soon gain the unfortunate legacy of being the first official victim of the soon-to-be infamous Green River Killer.
A few weeks later, on August 12, 1982, a worker at a meat packing company, just south of the Peck Bridge, was gassing up his truck when he noticed what he thought was a dead animal floating in the river water. The foam that was circulating around the body is what first drew his attention. He walked over to the body and discovered a young woman, floating dead in the water. Police identified her as 23 year old Deborah Lynn Bonner. Deborah, another known local prostitute, had been missing for over a week.
Serial killers always make interesting research. Their crimes, methods, and bizarre thought behaviors never cease to amaze us. Sadly, the most interesting cases are typically the ones that baffle authorities and allow the killer to ply his trade unhindered, upping his body count as the days tick by.
The name of this case is derived from the Green River, a river that begins in Washington State and empties into the Puget Sound in Seattle. Near the river is the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, built in 1942. As with any international airport, the area around it quickly grew as businesses sprouted to cater to the many travelers who crossed through its gates. One major throughway that runs near the airport is Aurora Avenue. Just off the Pacific Coast Highway, Aurora Avenue is known casually as the Sea-Tac Strip. This hustle and bustle Strip is a haven of dingy clubs, seedy motels, and of course, many prostitutes. On any given night, hundreds of prostitutes could be seen hanging around the street corners propositioning passerbys as they drove by. When a customer was found and a transaction initiated, they could simply take their tricks to one of the nearby motels or one of the many vacant buildings or empty side streets.
The Killings Begin
Our story begins on July 15, 1982 when two boys riding their bicycles noticed something in the water that caught their eye. Riding alongside the Peck Bridge near Kent, Washington, the boys found the body of a young woman floating in the Green River. Kent County police were notified and arrived on the scene to find a 16 year old girl, later identified as Wendy Lee Coffield, with a pair of jeans wrapped tightly around her neck. She had been raped and strangled to death. Wendy, a local prostitute who had been missing for 8 days from a nearby foster home, would soon gain the unfortunate legacy of being the first official victim of the soon-to-be infamous Green River Killer.
A few weeks later, on August 12, 1982, a worker at a meat packing company, just south of the Peck Bridge, was gassing up his truck when he noticed what he thought was a dead animal floating in the river water. The foam that was circulating around the body is what first drew his attention. He walked over to the body and discovered a young woman, floating dead in the water. Police identified her as 23 year old Deborah Lynn Bonner. Deborah, another known local prostitute, had been missing for over a week.
Real Mob Stories / Green River Killer suite
February 06, 2012, 03:45:43 AM
From this point on the body count grew rapidly. Three days after Deborahâââ‰â¢s body was found, three more bodies were discovered in the area. Two bodies were found, floating face down in the water, by a rafter near the Peck Bridge. When police arrived the rafter told them that just before he spotted the bodies, he had been approached by two men on the river bank. The men had asked him if he had seen anything in the water. When he responded negatively, both men hurriedly left in a pickup truck. Police investigated the scene thoroughly and later in the day they discovered another body in the grass nearby.
Police estimated that the two bodies in the water had been there for over a week, while the body found on the bank had been there less than a day. They presumed that the "fresher" body had been left in a hurry, possibly because the killer was spooked by the police when they arrived to investigate the two bodies discovered by the rafter. There were certain distinctive traits surrounding all the killings. The bodies had all been weighted down with rocks in their clothes and also had rocks inserted into body cavities. They had all been strangled, often with articles of their own clothing. Police were certain that the murders were related and were the result of a serial killer.
Surmising that a serial killer may be on the loose, the police began researching earlier case records. After researching their earlier crime records, they discovered two more victims that were attributed to the Green River Killer. 16 year old Leann Wilcox had been found strangled in a field on January 21, 1982 and on July 07, 1982, 36 year old prostitute, Amina Agisheff had been found strangled in a similar manner.
Important Traits
There was another, more obvious trait about the victims - all of the victims had been prostitutes. Police began staking out the Strip and casually questioning prostitutes about their activities. Most of the prostitutes were apprehensive about talking to the police but some did offer some interesting clues. Many of the prostitutes thought the killer was probably a policeman or someone masquerading as a policeman. Several told stories of a man brandishing a badge and ordering them into the car. 20 years later, these would become very important clues to the identity of the killer.
A profiler was commissioned by the police to assist in the case. The profiler theorized that the killer was probably an organized person since he took the time to properly weight down the bodies before dumping them in the water. The profiler deduced that the killer must be confident since he reused the same location over and over again (although he also theorized that he revisited the same locations in order to relive the murders). He thought the killer must be a longstanding local resident and possibly a fisherman or hunter since he seemed to be familiar with the remote areas where the bodies were being found. Just as the prostitutes had earlier mentioned, the profiler also thought that the killer had a strong interest in police or detective work.
The Killings Continue
Meanwhile, prostitutes continued disappearing off of the Strip at an alarming rate. In October of 1982, Denise Bush lost a coin toss with her pimp and another prostitute, to determine who would go out and retrieve cigarettes from a local store - she was never seen alive again. Two months later, 18 year old Rebecca Marrero disappeared on the Sea-Tac Strip. In April of 1983, Sandra Kay Gabbert was last seen by friends, entering a pickup truck on the Strip. That same night, about 2 hours later after Gabbert's friends noted her entering a pickup truck, Kimi Kai Pastor, a 17-year-old prostitute, was last seen entering a green pickup truck with a camper on it.
From this point on the body count grew rapidly. Three days after Deborahâââ‰â¢s body was found, three more bodies were discovered in the area. Two bodies were found, floating face down in the water, by a rafter near the Peck Bridge. When police arrived the rafter told them that just before he spotted the bodies, he had been approached by two men on the river bank. The men had asked him if he had seen anything in the water. When he responded negatively, both men hurriedly left in a pickup truck. Police investigated the scene thoroughly and later in the day they discovered another body in the grass nearby.
Police estimated that the two bodies in the water had been there for over a week, while the body found on the bank had been there less than a day. They presumed that the "fresher" body had been left in a hurry, possibly because the killer was spooked by the police when they arrived to investigate the two bodies discovered by the rafter. There were certain distinctive traits surrounding all the killings. The bodies had all been weighted down with rocks in their clothes and also had rocks inserted into body cavities. They had all been strangled, often with articles of their own clothing. Police were certain that the murders were related and were the result of a serial killer.
Surmising that a serial killer may be on the loose, the police began researching earlier case records. After researching their earlier crime records, they discovered two more victims that were attributed to the Green River Killer. 16 year old Leann Wilcox had been found strangled in a field on January 21, 1982 and on July 07, 1982, 36 year old prostitute, Amina Agisheff had been found strangled in a similar manner.
Important Traits
There was another, more obvious trait about the victims - all of the victims had been prostitutes. Police began staking out the Strip and casually questioning prostitutes about their activities. Most of the prostitutes were apprehensive about talking to the police but some did offer some interesting clues. Many of the prostitutes thought the killer was probably a policeman or someone masquerading as a policeman. Several told stories of a man brandishing a badge and ordering them into the car. 20 years later, these would become very important clues to the identity of the killer.
A profiler was commissioned by the police to assist in the case. The profiler theorized that the killer was probably an organized person since he took the time to properly weight down the bodies before dumping them in the water. The profiler deduced that the killer must be confident since he reused the same location over and over again (although he also theorized that he revisited the same locations in order to relive the murders). He thought the killer must be a longstanding local resident and possibly a fisherman or hunter since he seemed to be familiar with the remote areas where the bodies were being found. Just as the prostitutes had earlier mentioned, the profiler also thought that the killer had a strong interest in police or detective work.
The Killings Continue
Meanwhile, prostitutes continued disappearing off of the Strip at an alarming rate. In October of 1982, Denise Bush lost a coin toss with her pimp and another prostitute, to determine who would go out and retrieve cigarettes from a local store - she was never seen alive again. Two months later, 18 year old Rebecca Marrero disappeared on the Sea-Tac Strip. In April of 1983, Sandra Kay Gabbert was last seen by friends, entering a pickup truck on the Strip. That same night, about 2 hours later after Gabbert's friends noted her entering a pickup truck, Kimi Kai Pastor, a 17-year-old prostitute, was last seen entering a green pickup truck with a camper on it.
Real Mob Stories / Green River Killer suite 1
February 07, 2012, 12:45:38 AM
The Marie Malvar Killing
In the month of April, the case took an interesting turn. On 04/30/83, Marie Malvar and her pimp were working the Pacific Coast Highway. Marie soon left with a trick in a vehicle, described by her pimp, as a green pickup with a camper on it and a primer patch on the side (possibly blocking out a logo). Curious, the pimp followed them a short distance and noticed that they appeared to be arguing. He attempted to chase the truck down but lost the vehicle in traffic.
One week later, he notified the police that Marie had never returned. Fearing that the police would be of little help, he contacted Marieâââ‰â¢s father and the two began looking for Marie on their own. After searching for some time they found a pickup truck that looked like the one the pimp had seen Marie enter. They contacted the police immediately. The police arrived at the home and questioned two men located inside - Dale Wells and Gary Ridgeway. They made a cursory search and found no trace of the woman. The police explained to Marieâââ‰â¢s father that nothing appeared out of the ordinary. Marieâââ‰â¢s father accepted this without question since he was suspicious of the pimpâââ‰â¢s story anyway. Remember this âââ‰â¬Å later weâââ‰â¢ll discover there was much more to the Marie Malvar suspectâââ¬Ã¦
In May of 1983 a very important piece of evidence surfaced that if handled properly, could have been the biggest lead in the case - an airport maintenance man was emptying trash when he found a driverâââ‰â¢s license behind some chairs near gate B4 of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The license belonged to a Marie Malvar. The police were immediately notified but strangely, they never showed up to retrieve the evidence. Two years later it dawned on them that they could check the flight records for that departing gate and possibly even retrieve fingerprints from the license itself. They contacted the airport and were disappointed to discover that the license had already been destroyed and the flight records were no longer available.
Still More Victims
Later in the month of May 1983, a family looking for mushrooms several miles east of the Strip, discovered a womanâââ‰â¢s body. The woman was fully clothed but otherwise displayed some very unusual characteristics. The head was covered with a paper sack, the arms crossed in front of the body, and a fish was draped across the womanâââ‰â¢s throat. She had a bottle gripped tightly in her right hand and freshly ground meat clinched in her left hand. She had a driverâââ‰â¢s license in her pocket that identified her as Carol Ann Christensen.
The body was taken to the morgue for a more thorough examination where it was discovered that her bra was on inside out and her shoelaces were untied. They also determined that she had been strangled with a thin cord and the body immersed under water. Since the body was found several miles from the Strip and the conditions of the body were substantially different from the other killings, the police wondered if they had another killer on their hands. This was soon discounted when they tracked down the origin of the sack found on the victimâââ‰â¢s head - the sack was from a 7-11 store located on South 144th Street, a store that lies right in the middle of the Strip and often noted as the location where many of the victimâââ‰â¢s were last seen. It appeared that the killer had begun using another location to dump his victims.
Several other victims disappeared in May 1983. Martina Authorlee, 18 years old, was working the Strip when she was picked up by a trick and never seen again. Cheryl Wims, also 18 years old, was picked up at the same spot and never seen again. Tammy Liles, 16 years old, was picked up on the Strip and never returned. Keli Kay McGuiness left the Three Bars motel to work the Strip near 216th Street never to be seen again. And Costance Elizabeth Naon, 20 years old and strangely, the only victim that was not a prostitute, called her boyfriend from the Red Lion bar on the Strip, and told him she would be home in 20 minutes. She never made it back home.
Unusual Misses
In June of 1983 another bizarre instance occurred. A woman called the police to report a strange smell in the area of Raperâââ‰â¢s Road, a dark alley near the airport. The police investigated and reported that the smell was nothing more than a pile of dead fish. Later that month, players and parents at a little league game near Raperâââ‰â¢s Road, noticed the same foul smell. The smell was bad enough that the games for that day were called off. One month later, a man picking apples in the same area found a skeleton under a pile of brush.
The bodyâââ‰â¢s location was near the dividing line between the airport and King County. The two authorities argued about jurisdiction and finally called in a surveyor to determine whose responsibility the body was. The surveyor determined that the body laid in King County and not the Port Authority area. With the jurisdiction question out of the way, the investigation continued which in the end, never resulted in a positive identification of the body. To complicate matters even further, about a month later another skeleton was found in the same location. The second body found near the little league fields was eventually identified and determined to be Shawndra Summers who had disappeared while working the Strip in 1982.
In the month of April, the case took an interesting turn. On 04/30/83, Marie Malvar and her pimp were working the Pacific Coast Highway. Marie soon left with a trick in a vehicle, described by her pimp, as a green pickup with a camper on it and a primer patch on the side (possibly blocking out a logo). Curious, the pimp followed them a short distance and noticed that they appeared to be arguing. He attempted to chase the truck down but lost the vehicle in traffic.
One week later, he notified the police that Marie had never returned. Fearing that the police would be of little help, he contacted Marieâââ‰â¢s father and the two began looking for Marie on their own. After searching for some time they found a pickup truck that looked like the one the pimp had seen Marie enter. They contacted the police immediately. The police arrived at the home and questioned two men located inside - Dale Wells and Gary Ridgeway. They made a cursory search and found no trace of the woman. The police explained to Marieâââ‰â¢s father that nothing appeared out of the ordinary. Marieâââ‰â¢s father accepted this without question since he was suspicious of the pimpâââ‰â¢s story anyway. Remember this âââ‰â¬Å later weâââ‰â¢ll discover there was much more to the Marie Malvar suspectâââ¬Ã¦
In May of 1983 a very important piece of evidence surfaced that if handled properly, could have been the biggest lead in the case - an airport maintenance man was emptying trash when he found a driverâââ‰â¢s license behind some chairs near gate B4 of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The license belonged to a Marie Malvar. The police were immediately notified but strangely, they never showed up to retrieve the evidence. Two years later it dawned on them that they could check the flight records for that departing gate and possibly even retrieve fingerprints from the license itself. They contacted the airport and were disappointed to discover that the license had already been destroyed and the flight records were no longer available.
Still More Victims
Later in the month of May 1983, a family looking for mushrooms several miles east of the Strip, discovered a womanâââ‰â¢s body. The woman was fully clothed but otherwise displayed some very unusual characteristics. The head was covered with a paper sack, the arms crossed in front of the body, and a fish was draped across the womanâââ‰â¢s throat. She had a bottle gripped tightly in her right hand and freshly ground meat clinched in her left hand. She had a driverâââ‰â¢s license in her pocket that identified her as Carol Ann Christensen.
The body was taken to the morgue for a more thorough examination where it was discovered that her bra was on inside out and her shoelaces were untied. They also determined that she had been strangled with a thin cord and the body immersed under water. Since the body was found several miles from the Strip and the conditions of the body were substantially different from the other killings, the police wondered if they had another killer on their hands. This was soon discounted when they tracked down the origin of the sack found on the victimâââ‰â¢s head - the sack was from a 7-11 store located on South 144th Street, a store that lies right in the middle of the Strip and often noted as the location where many of the victimâââ‰â¢s were last seen. It appeared that the killer had begun using another location to dump his victims.
Several other victims disappeared in May 1983. Martina Authorlee, 18 years old, was working the Strip when she was picked up by a trick and never seen again. Cheryl Wims, also 18 years old, was picked up at the same spot and never seen again. Tammy Liles, 16 years old, was picked up on the Strip and never returned. Keli Kay McGuiness left the Three Bars motel to work the Strip near 216th Street never to be seen again. And Costance Elizabeth Naon, 20 years old and strangely, the only victim that was not a prostitute, called her boyfriend from the Red Lion bar on the Strip, and told him she would be home in 20 minutes. She never made it back home.
Unusual Misses
In June of 1983 another bizarre instance occurred. A woman called the police to report a strange smell in the area of Raperâââ‰â¢s Road, a dark alley near the airport. The police investigated and reported that the smell was nothing more than a pile of dead fish. Later that month, players and parents at a little league game near Raperâââ‰â¢s Road, noticed the same foul smell. The smell was bad enough that the games for that day were called off. One month later, a man picking apples in the same area found a skeleton under a pile of brush.
The bodyâââ‰â¢s location was near the dividing line between the airport and King County. The two authorities argued about jurisdiction and finally called in a surveyor to determine whose responsibility the body was. The surveyor determined that the body laid in King County and not the Port Authority area. With the jurisdiction question out of the way, the investigation continued which in the end, never resulted in a positive identification of the body. To complicate matters even further, about a month later another skeleton was found in the same location. The second body found near the little league fields was eventually identified and determined to be Shawndra Summers who had disappeared while working the Strip in 1982.
French / La mafia et la construction a MTL
February 08, 2012, 01:25:03 AM
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General, Off Topic / Carnaval night parade
February 10, 2012, 11:55:16 AM
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