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Messages - Samo

February 05, 2012, 11:48:16 AM

I have one question to you guys.I wanna start scripting my mod but i have a big problem that needs to be solved out   :dry: .When i play and the person dies and than when i click start again it doesnt load up my mission but last played one.And when i didnt play any mission in some time it loads up my mission but everything is messed up,you know some textures are not visible and so on.Question is how can i make a saving script which loads up my mission when i die.Never done it so i dont know,any advices?

General, Off Topic / Ugly shadow glitch
February 12, 2012, 05:39:44 PM
Hey guys.

Do you have an idea what this might be?It happens after i add more things to the mission like cars,people you know.But i have no idea why and how.

This is the screen before it happens.





And this is after the glitch





As you can see the Shadows show up and they are very ugly and inaccurate also the shadows of the people are much bigger and taller.Do you have an idea what this might come from and if its fixable somehow?

Mafia General Discussion / This looks interesting!
February 17, 2012, 02:41:46 PM
Hey guys,recently ive downloaded "Mafia weapon value editor".And Iam surprised that its so easy to use and a lot of fun with it.Guys who dont know this tool yet,You should definitely try it out.

Here are some changes which i made in tommygun settings.You can see on the screens that the holding of the weapon is different,now tommy holds it more like a rifle.






Mod Help / Changing the music
February 21, 2012, 04:47:17 PM
Hey guys,Ive never been interested in this sort of thing before but now i would like to try changing the music in Mafia 1.I Mean the general one for example when youre in China Town.I tried to do it in DCED or Bscript but no luck so i guess there is a tool for that?Anyway if anyone is experienced in this please let me know i would be greatful   " data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">  .
General, Off Topic / Assassins creed III New engine!
March 06, 2012, 12:11:57 PM
Hey ive just red about AC III on one site and it says that you are gona play as an indian.The story is in the time of colonialism.But the main thing is that after couple of years they are finally gonna change that old engine which revelations and all the other parts are running on.

Some interesting pics- ... ed-iii.htm
General, Off Topic / BScript question
March 07, 2012, 01:02:39 PM
Hey guys ive got one question.Recently when i was working on the second mission i realized that the problems with bscript are only in the first one.It always writes there something like "invalid call,out of space etc"but only in the first mission,so is there some kind of limit or something?If anyone can help me please do so it would spare one month of my work and a lot of nerves  " data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">  ...
Hey guys ive got one question.Recently ive been working on a dialog and it works perfectly fine.But ive got a question.Have a look at the script :

dim_flt 1

dim_act 3

findactor 0,"frank"

findactor 1,"Tommy"



{ up

//enemy_playanim "Mise zidle01st.I3D",0

label 101

wait 30000

goto 101



event use_ab,10970005

getenemyaistate 0,1

iffltinrange 0,2,5,SKIP


dialog_begin 0,2

dialog_camswitch 1,0

player_lockcontrols 1

actor_setdir 1,0

person_playanim 1,"breath01a.i3d"

enemy_talk 03010320


enemy_talk 03010330


dialog_camswitch 0,1

enemy_talk 1, 03010350


dialog_camswitch 1,0

enemy_talk 03010340


enemy_talk 1, 04010150



player_lockcontrols 0



human_looktoactor 1,0,1

rnd 0,3

if flt[0]=0,-1,113

enemy_talk 00950050

label 113

if flt[0]=1,-1,114

enemy_talk 00950052

label 114

if flt[0]=2,-1,115

enemy_talk 00950053

label 115


human_looktoactor 1

label SKIP



event 1000

label BLBOST

enemy_action_fire 0

wait 5000



It is a canned cycle the dialog ends and when you talk to frank again it starts the dialog again.How do i set it only for 1x and than for the next time he will just talk to him like this on and on  -

human_looktoactor 1,0,1

rnd 0,3

if flt[0]=0,-1,113

enemy_talk 00950050

label 113

if flt[0]=1,-1,114

enemy_talk 00950052

label 114

if flt[0]=2,-1,115

enemy_talk 00950053

label 115


human_looktoactor 1

label SKIP




Thanks for all the help and the answers   " data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">  .