But you need to add and change a few commands.
Add player_lockcontrols 1 to not interrupt the play of the animation and add player_lockcontrols 0 at the end to unlock the controls back.
change enemy_playanim to person_playanim 0, "xx" (if findactor of the player is defined in 0)
If you want the animation to be started after clicking somewhere for example at the bar so add detector_waitforuse-you need to have a detector spawned in the exact place at the editor
You probably have a chaos in these commands right now so i reccomend you first to be patient and finish the basic stuff.Because this require to spawn detectors and work with the world editor which you should be familiar with from those tutorials i just sent you links for.
I will send you the script later,for example drinking animation cause the structure of the script needs to be correct otherwise it wont work.You can also study simple scripts from the missions in mafia.That way you will learn a lot.You should first finish the very basics to move on the next level.Cause the basics are the start of every script.
But you need to add and change a few commands.
Add player_lockcontrols 1 to not interrupt the play of the animation and add player_lockcontrols 0 at the end to unlock the controls back.
change enemy_playanim to person_playanim 0, "xx" (if findactor of the player is defined in 0)
If you want the animation to be started after clicking somewhere for example at the bar so add detector_waitforuse-you need to have a detector spawned in the exact place at the editor
You probably have a chaos in these commands right now so i reccomend you first to be patient and finish the basic stuff.Because this require to spawn detectors and work with the world editor which you should be familiar with from those tutorials i just sent you links for.
I will send you the script later,for example drinking animation cause the structure of the script needs to be correct otherwise it wont work.You can also study simple scripts from the missions in mafia.That way you will learn a lot.You should first finish the very basics to move on the next level.Cause the basics are the start of every script.