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Messages - Mr Robville

General, Off Topic / Amnesia, shit brix descent
September 27, 2011, 06:48:00 PM
This video shows some hilarious gameplay:



yeah youtube got the original video removed, thank god for those people who download youtube videos! bless them!
Mafia Scene News / The Titanic Mod By Mr.Robville
September 21, 2011, 04:36:12 PM
All rigging cables are modelled in 3D.
Mod Help / Blender To Zmodeler Help
September 20, 2011, 04:40:57 PM

Just send me the model and I'll take a look at itÃâà  <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink.png" alt="" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
Mafia Scene News / The Titanic Mod By Mr.Robville
September 19, 2011, 05:18:37 PM

as a small sneak peak of what's placed ingame:

current framerate:

60+ FPS

the sea is animated, only the ship's wakes need to be added but for some reason the game keeps crashing when inserting the animated textured model.

half of the objects are inserted now, so 60+ FPS at 500.000 polygons is good news.

tested with:

CPU - Intel I7 2.8 GHZ quad core with hyperthread (M1 does not support multicore rendering, so only the 2.8GHZ matters)
GPU - AMD Radeon HD 5700 1GB
RAM - 8GBÃâà DDR3 (only 3 is neccesairy i think, depending on your system)
Windows 7 64Bit


The lighting is kinda plain at the moment, that's because only 2 lights are added, there will be more added later on. this has low priority.
Mafia Scene News / The Titanic Mod By Mr.Robville
September 19, 2011, 04:44:17 PM
I'm very honored to see articles like this written on websites. and I'm very glad you like the mod!

At this very moment I'm placing all 3d objects ingame, that does take some time since it's around 1Million Polygons.

yes i repeat, one million polygons, Don't worry, smaller objects dissapear when you move the player away from them, so your CPU won't explode.


to get the background you see in the video on high quality, here it is:

also in black and white:



BTW, very nice website! I think I'll continue posting updates of the mod here. (Old MS is 99% of the time offline)

does anyone know if ASM is also registred on this website? i need some help with the collission data.
General, Off Topic / Amnesia, shit brix descent
September 27, 2011, 06:13:12 PM

have any of you guys ever played the indie game "Amnesia - The dark Descent"?

It's about a guy named Daniel whose being haunted by something weird and wakes up alone in a huge castle suffering amnesia.


It's a puzzle/adventure/survival/horror game, really worth to play. i shat bricks at quite a few moments in that game.

why? well there are several unfriendly creatures around the castle that don't really like you, you don't have a weapon, there is no safe room. only thing you can do is run and hide from them.


this is one of them:


if you get scared of games real quickly it's really recommended to buy and play (costs only around 10 dollars or something on steam)

and if you aren't scared of games fast, well.. just try it  " data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">



i wonder if anyone has played the game already, I'm interested in your experiences.



hehe, maybe I'll port the Titanic mod to that game sometime.
Mod Help / M1 - sounds at specific locations
September 29, 2011, 06:52:30 PM

for my titanic mod scene i want to add a few sounds that you'll only hear when you are near to the sound's source.

for example a sound effect of splashing water at the bow of the ship must not be heared when you are inside or at aft of the ship.


is there a way of giving sound effects only a limited area of where you can hear it appart from the entire area?
Mr Robville's Mods / The Titanic Mod
October 05, 2011, 06:14:14 PM
i think it's about time to start this topic here, too bad that the original topic on is now probably lost in the darkness as MS seems to be gone.


that aside, let's talk some TitanicÃâà  


For those who are not yet fammiliar with this mod,

Titanic mod is a mod for Mafia 1 (maybe Mafia II someday) that brings people at one of the most detailed and accurate free 3d recreation of Titanic ever made.

There is a story line involving the salieri gang;


Salieri's causin from Empire bay has bought a new Renault Towncar vehicle,

they are only for sale in Lost heaven so it's up to Salieri with his gang to deliver him the vehicle.

guess what you will be using for transportation, indeed, the RMS Titanic.

onboard the gang will find out not everything goes as smooth as planned, Morello has an eye for that car aswell and delivers Salieri nothing but trouble.


Eventualy the ship will sink and you will be able to walk onboard while the corridors flood.

There will be a freeroam mode aswell which gives the player the oppertunity to just explore the ship or walk on it when it sinks.

to watch the intro cutscene, see this video:

<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>


most recent video (as found on the mainpage)

<div><iframe width="459" height="344" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>


and now some recent screenshots:

the exterior is almost enterely placed ingame, all exept 3 rows of lifeboats, ship's wakes, smoke from the funnels and doors.


(no i did not use the "parnik" cheat)[/size]


Estimate release date:

April 14th 2012[/size]


more info:
This might probably be the biggest search humanity has ever experienced.

I have been searching into the depths of the very world know as the world wide web.

My quest has gone into great failure.


Alright, serious now,


Can anyone tell me where to find a Working trainer for the Steam version of Mafia 2?

All trainers I can find are for non steam versions, and those whom are meant to be Steam versions make the game crash.

weird thing is, I can only find one topic on earth where someone experiences the same problem. but all people end up saying "yes! I found a working version." .... yeah.. and where might this working version be?

indeed, no one gave a link.


So I can't possibly imagine that no one has ever created a trainer for a steam version of mafia 2.

Or are steam versions that rare? (I doubt it)



And before anyone tells, no I don't accept the "easy difficulty" as an option. yeah, cops may be easy to kill. but they still kill me.


Any help is greatly appreciated!   " data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
Mod Help / SOLVED - Bscript viewer, all kinds of errors
February 14, 2012, 04:12:05 PM
I got some problems using the Braingib script viewer or Bscript viewer as most call it.


On my old computer it ran fine but now I have Windows 7 I get all kinds of exotic error messages on startup.

mostly .ocx and .dll files.


I really need it to add doors and NPCs on the Titanic, without it it's pretty much impossible.


Any help is grealy appreciated!
Mod Help / NPC, taking lots of CPU
February 14, 2012, 10:30:57 PM
Thanks to the quick help I got the Bscript issue solved.

But I got a new one  :woohoo:


I noticed as soon as I added 1 NPC, the scene had a severe overall framedrop. this means going from 50-60 frames to 40-50, about a 10 frame drop. now imagine a couple tens of more NPC's that would make the game crash.

Does anyone know what causes this? I expect a NPC to take some CPU power yes, but 10 frames for one single NPC seems a little bit too dramatic to me.


Besides, on the dock scene where Titanic is anchored there are about a hundred NPC's all animated with about the same 10 frame shortage. that's reasonable I think.


Lowering the level of detail/ draw distance did not help much.


Is there something I should look at? or does anyone know how to solve this?


Like always, help is greatly appreciated!
Mod Help / Titanic mod - a few technical scripts
July 30, 2012, 05:05:09 PM
I need some help with making scripts for Mafia.

After quite some time I decided to try it a bit myself to save some work for Asa as he will have his hands full on the storyline.


It is about 2 things.


I noticed a script that someone on moddb told me of in The Alive mod.

On City night you could use the elevator in salieri's bar. After some requests by people I would like to use this script in the Titanic mod. But I haven't found out how.


I tried to explode the script and find out what each function does but no big succes yet. not even with the script reference.


and one other thing is a script to let an NPC walk a certain path.

I found these commands:



Makes an enemy move to a special map navigation point

xx == ID of Nav point

run == the actor runs

walk == the actor walks???




makes car tt drive fast to frame vv

tt == ID of escaping car

uu == ID of actor tt is escaping from

vv == destination frame tt is driving too

ww==  ??? where to jump to when car reaches destination.

xx == minimum speed tt will drive at

yy == maximum speed tt will drive at

zz == speed multiplier




xx == ID of Actor Car to move

yy ==  Id of Frame to move to

zz == Extra options below

natvrdo =??

stopvzad=??Not used

vzad == drives backwards (works only in a straight line)





makes car xx chase after actor yy

xx== ID of chasing car

yy == ID of actor being chased




makes an actor whose script this is move to a car

xx ==  car to move to

yy ==  seat position to move to listed below

0 == driverâââ‰â¢s door

1 == front passenger

2 == rear left

3 ==  rear right

run == Optional,if not added the default is walk.  




makes the enemy whose script this is move to frame xx

until he reaches a distance from the frame xx of yy

xx == ID of frame to send the actor too

yy == Distance the enemy is to get to the frame before the script will return

run == Optional,if not added the default is walk.


will any of these work to let an NPC walk around?


I know the car commands work in the Alive mod, but that's when they are in a vehicle on a programmed road by the game's developers.

The TM has no set pathways like road.bin.



Any help is ofcourse like always kindly appreciated!
Mafia General Discussion / 2 Mafia parody video's
August 08, 2012, 02:24:17 PM
I was searching around on Youtube and came across 2 parody video's of Mafia 1.

They are quite ancient in the meantime and the author fell of the grid of the WWW since his last activity in 2009.


I must warn about it's language. There's quite some swearing and sexually themed jokes in it.

But it still made me laugh though.



<div><iframe width="459" height="344" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>[/youtube:3drqe7m6] 


<div><iframe width="459" height="344" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>[/youtube:3drqe7m6] 

Just to share   " data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
General, Off Topic / L.A. Noire not starting up
August 16, 2012, 04:16:21 PM
I know... why the hell am I asking this question here.

Well, it's simple, nobody ever found any solution and Rockstar games is nowhere to be found, and neither is their active support nor forums.


So what I'm hoping is that Mafiascene can function as my final resort by getting this game to work.

Any L.A. Noire players, please help!


The problem is when I want to start the game, the tiny menu pops up and I press the launch button.

After that, the LA.N logo shows up appearing to be loading, and after that I hear the logo video for only a brief second and then the game closes followed with a windows error "L.A. Noire stopped working and shut down"


From what I have been searching, some more people had this problem. But many didn't found any solution, other topics died, and somepeople didn't bother sharing their solution.


I got all drivers updated and my PC specs are beyond required.

I also tried running it as administrator


Any help will be greatly appreciated!