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Topics - Mike Bruski

[align=center:ad8rrycb]I've decided to build the ORIGINAL Delizia, I will update this thread whenever I continue the build, here is what I have thus far...


Delizia 410 Grand American W.I.P. Part I 5% Done

Delizia 410 Grand American W.I.P. Part II 25% Done

Delizia 410 Grand American W.I.P. Part III 40% Done - updated date : Dec./18th/2011

Delizia 410 Grand American W.I.P. Part IV 60% Done - updated date : Jan./6th/2012

(Dirty Delizia 410 Grand American )

Delizia 410 Grand American W.I.P. Part V 65% Done - updated date : Jan./8th/2012

( Interior )

Delizia 410 Grand American W.I.P. Part V 85% Done - updated date : Jan./15th/2012

( Engine, Chassis, Trunk )


1/26/2012 - Courtesy of Mr.Robville:Mr.Robville's Delizia 410 GrandAmerica Mafia I Import W.I.P.Part I



1/26/2012 - Courtesy of Mr.Robville:Mr.Robville's Delizia 410 GrandAmerica Mafia I Import W.I.P. Part II



Delizia 410 GrandAmerican For Mafia I v0.2



Delizia 410 GrandAmerican For Mafia I v0.5


2/15/2012 - Courtesy of lpg_unit: lpg_unit's GTA SA Conversion Part I


2/18/2012 - Courtesy of lpg_unit: lpg_unit's GTA SA Conversion Completed

[align=center:2k3e3tfu]Modelled & Textured by Mike Bruski, Converted into GTASA by lpg_unit

Delizia 410 Grand American - GTASA v1.0[/align:ad8rrycb]


The conversion process is still in works, but feel free to checkout, enjoy driving the Delizia for the first time in Mafia I![/align:2k3e3tfu]
[align=center:2ozdmoop]Tomy_47 @Mafia-Daily.Net, has done a real lovely job with the skins in Mafia II, checkout the images below, pretty damn sweet.







If you wish to download from Tomy_47 whom is the creator of these lovely skins, please click the link below...

L.A. Noire & Hitman Skinpack(v1.2)[/align:2ozdmoop]
Mike Bruski's Mods / Badgeless Armysuit By Mike Bruski
November 13, 2011, 07:42:37 PM


I've decided to do something for modders in Mafia II and for those that want a regular nice suit for Mafia II, I removed all the badges on the Armysuit, this means you can customize it to your liking of street-wear.  " data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">

Please, tell me your thoughts, it took a real bit of work to remove all the badge's from all 4 of the mipmaps.


<span>Badgeless Armysuit By Mike Bruski, Download[/size]</span>[/align:3mwl9qbs]
Mafia Mod Request / Christmas Modder Talk
December 07, 2011, 02:47:09 AM
I have done alot of searching around for the past month, and it appears that it is almost impossible to do a proper christmas modification due to no way the the time of editing the city with christmas lights, only thing I find we can do is texture billboards or logo's with christmas styling, but besides that I find there is no actual way to make christmas like the Mafia II Holiday Trailer, if anyone has any idea's or thoughts, please share, it would be AWESOME to have a christmas mod for this christmas.


<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>

With Neon ICON

Without Neon ICON


[/size]</span><span>Neon ICON Sign Removal By Mike Bruski Version v1.0, Download[/size]</span>[/align:5yj3nypd]
I feel that in 2012, we will see a Mafia III debut trailer, and I would say in the third quarter of the year 2012.


How do you feel about that prediction? I am confident we will see a trailer and if not a trailer, an announcement with photo's. I believe by this time next year we will have quite abit of news concerning Mafia III.
I don't really fancy the lighting all that much in Mafia II and what is weird, Mafia II's graphics are really strong in lighting, other games refuse to change lighting and look worse when you try and make them better, but Mafia II just looks soo good when you hookup lovely colour settings, take a look at the pics below...



My Nvidia Colour Settings are...


Brightness : + 60%


Contrast : + 100%


Gamma : + 1.50


Digital Vibrance : + 50%


Hue : + 0


(NOTICE: Set your game brightness to (1) if set at 2 it will not look as good as the pics above.)


Not sure exactly what the settings are for ATi GPU's but I assume it is the same hookup, please tell me your thoughts.


Also I use the FXAA modification and the Depth Of Field Removal mod. DX11 FXAA / Depth Of Field Removal - Mafia II - Download
Found by GEMB at Mafia2.scorpions.  :cheer:  


checkout the photo's...








Source :
Found by GEMB at Mafia2.scorpions.  :cheer:  


checkout the photo's...






Source :
General, Off Topic / L.A. Noire, PC DX11 Update!
February 17, 2012, 02:37:47 PM
Checkout this article from Rockstar games...


Source:L.A. Noire DX11 Update - Rockstar Games


I tried it out, and L.A. Noire looks better, could do with stronger FXAA, but it's alot better than dx9.


I really loved reading Daniel Vavra's story on how he was able to start WarHorse after leaving 2K Czech in late 09'.


Quoted from, Daniel Vavra's story...

QuoteI wrote a game about the Mafia and I donâââ‰â¢t want to deal with those types of âââ¬Ãâbusinessmenâââ¬
Mafia Scene News / Warhorse Studios Licensed CryENGINE
February 22, 2012, 04:33:36 AM

QuoteThe team at Warhorse Studios consists of industry veterans from AAA classics such as the Mafia franchise and Operation Flashpoint. Weâââ‰â¢re excited by their vision for an innovative RPG and we are looking forward to working with them to help them achieve that vision with CryENGINE 3.


Congratulations to Warhorse Studio's. I will also say that the CryEngine3 is by far one of the best game engine's made to date.