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Topics - Andrashi

Andrashi's Mods / Realism mod concepts
April 15, 2012, 09:21:00 AM
Dear Mafia II fans,


altough I don't have THAT much free time, still there are a few ideas I would like to try. And I think Your opinions on these ideas would be most welcome feedback.

Two realism mods should discussed in this thread, both having connection with gunplay. See video in spoiler.



<div class="ipsSpoiler_header">






The idea is so far very strict. Vito can pick and hide only ONE handgun-type weapon, it is referred as "sidearm". Another handgun can be picked and used, but it has to be in hands and is discarded if player tries to holster it. If Vito has a "sidearm" in hands and tries to pick up another handgun, the newly picked handgun replaces the previous as a "sidedarm".


Hiding a rifle-type weapon is not possible, Vito can only carry one rifle-type and only in hands.

Summary of Vito's inventory with this mod: one handgun which can be holstered + one other weapon in hands (be it small gun or rifle).

Future hypotetical iterations may include various limits based on 3 Vito's outfit types (outfits without jacket, outfits with jacket, long coats)




Vito performs one universal hit reaction when hit by a gunfire or explosion. Multiple reactions are maybe possible, but so far I am glad it works at least somehow " data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/happy@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">.

Hit reaction forces Vito to stop aiming, slows him down for a moment, disturbs weapon reloading process (gun is not reloaded and player has to again initiate reload) and forces Vito out of cover.


When Vito's health drops below certain threshold, each additional damage makes Vito drop currently held weapon and enter "low health critical mode".

In low health critical mode, Vito uses injury animset (which slows his movement), cannot operate guns, cannot climb obstacles and generally is very, very vulnerable. Low health critical mode fades away over time and Vito returns to normal mode (all possibilities permitted).


Purpose of a "low health critical mode" is to add realistic touch and to discourage players from rushing enemies head on. With "low health critical mode" and hit reactions mod active, at least slow health regeneration is REQUIRED, otherwise the game is annoying and unplayable (personally tested).




Well, let the discussion begin. What are your ideas, what would you like to see in regards to these two gamedesign changes?