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Messages - Kmeto

Mafia II mods / LUA script (Entity)
March 02, 2013, 02:08:56 PM
I found something in your post (http]):



it's really, really good.


I found the solution
 and it works for FR M2 & FR JA and with all images in the folders "gui" of M2, JV, BJ & JA


- levelx_xx

- paintingxx

- pinupxx

- pinupxx

- posterxx

- wantedxxx

- xx

- ja_pinupxx

- xx


and I also found the solution has

[url=][/url] [url=][/url]

entities are loaded with "StreamMapLine" but not activated.


I prepare a new topic for tomorrow, As with Icons.


and a surprise : a small script for the Cathouse using the command "ShowQuestDialog", with 93 entity activated, only with injector.
 (just activated)


How is it possible to add NPC?
Mafia II mods / LUA script (Entity)
March 02, 2013, 11:57:52 AM
Ok, so this is not working in FR JA?  Is there any other way how to add entities (NPCs) to FR JA 3.0? I think the problem might be in file size limitation.
Mafia II mods / LUA script (Entity)
March 01, 2013, 04:39:51 PM
It's not working. The problem has to be somewhere else. Is that script working in FR JA v3.0?
Mafia II mods / LUA script (Entity)
February 26, 2013, 07:42:45 PM
Many many thanks. Now I understand how it works, but there is still a problem with my Lua Script injector (I've got version v6). This script crashes 3 seconds after activation. Maybe the scripts needs more time to load or something.
QuoteIf your game crashes, it is because you have exceeded the size limit and this is valid for all game file. 

Super mod of Zahaar adds over 200 skins, what more could you want.


Kmeto is good, but if you add skins in the list, you must also change another thing.

Here you have 25 skins.

<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="666" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>{"hen40s","franca","marty","leoobd","eddies","albert","tomang","brianc","carlo","consig","derek","desmond","frank","lucca","pete","mike","steve","bruno","gorntlz","panchu","wong","ccindo","cdozte","cpoli2","cpoli3"}

So in Option Player 2 (OP2) you have this : 26 = Nb Skins +1

Quoteif game.gui:GetQuestionScreenAnswer()==2 then[3][pp])pp=pp+1 if pp==26
 then pp=1 end return OP2()end

if you add skins, you must change the red value in consequence.



Thank you very much. I had problem with this limit and I didn't know where is the problem. Thanks again   <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink.png" alt="" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
Mafia II mods / LUA script (Entity)
February 18, 2013, 06:52:40 PM
QuoteSorry' date=' i canôt help you. I even tried scripting myself but run into trouble sometimes, but i would like to use this lua script if you get it working  <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"> [/quote'] 

Use it If you want to. I think what I wrote is absolutely wrong, but maybe I just did small mistake somewhere.

Quote<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="666" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ok' date=' I found out how to add more character skins.[/quote'] 

How did you do that?


It's easy, I've got some experience in modding games like Mafia or GTA series, so this wasn't so big deal.

First, you need to open dlc_freeraid_main.sds with SDS tool. Then open eXistenZ.lua in some text editor and find line with this code:


<pre class="ipsCode">{"hen40s","franca","marty","leoobd","eddies","albert","tomang","brianc","carlo","consig","derek","desmond","frank","lucca","pete","mike","steve","bruno","gorntlz","panchu","wong","ccindo","cdozte","cpoli2","cpoli3"}}</pre>


In that line you have defined character skins. Here's example how to add next skin.


1. Copy file ccerb1.sds from folder pcsdstraffic

2. Paste that file to folder cnt_joes_adventuressdsplayer

3. Now edit that line in file eXistenZ.lua. If you want that skin instead of "Marty skin" just rewrite "marty" to "ccerb1"

4. Now you've got skin of Bomber in your game


You could use any skin from folder pcsdstraffic.

I used ccerb1.sds just for example.


I hope you understand and I hope eXistenZ won't kick my a*s for editing his file.

Ok, I found out how to add more character skins, it works, I'm happy. There's just only one problem. That file is limited to 16 or 17Kb.
So, I tried the Free Ride JA v3.0 and it's awesome. You did a really nice piece of work. I can't wait to play v4.0.


I would like to ask you if you're going to add more character skins (in Option Player). And why is Derrek's office and Clemente's Slaughterhouse "closed"?
Yes, I got it. Thank you very much  <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
The download links don't work for me. Is there any problem?
Hi. I really like your mods. Very good job. Is there any possible way how to download the last version of Free Ride Mafia II? I can't find download links.  <img src="/emoticons/blush.png.f82797d681f6058d78bfce89aae261a7.png" alt=" :blush: " data-emoticon="">  Thank you.
Mafia II mods / LUA script (Entity)
February 18, 2013, 05:07:27 PM
Hello. I've got problem. I want to make LUA script to add NPCs, but it looks like it's not working. Can somebody please help?


Here's my script (to add Bomber in front of Vito's Villa):

<pre class="ipsCode">game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fr_bomber_m01_load")


game.entitywrapper:GetEntityByName("enemy1"):SetPos(Math:newVector( -1315, 1005,-19))

game.entitywrapper:GetEntityByName("enemy1"):SetDir(Math:newVector( 0,-1,0))

