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August 11, 2012, 09:17:49 PM Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM by Guest
Do you know how can I use setspeed and explode commands on my car, while being outside?

#1 August 13, 2012, 02:51:27 AM Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM by Guest
Me too,I just know how to use it when I in a car.

#2 August 22, 2012, 07:44:53 PM Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM by Guest
OK. I made it work. For anyone interested, use injector v6 with this commands. You will have a remote car-bomb  <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/biggrin.png" alt="" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">


QuoteVito =

Vitocar = Vito:GetOwner()

bindKey ("T", "Vitocar:Explode()")

bindKey ("U", "Vitocar:SetSpeed(20)")

bindKey ("J", "Vitocar:SetSpeed(0)")

bindKey ("H", "Vitocar:SetAddSteer(50)")

bindKey ("K", "Vitocar:SetAddSteer(-50)")

bindKey ("N", "Vitocar:SetAddSteer(0)")