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we all remember mafia 2 when the first trailer came out right? it looked real cool and the frankie pots made people laugh, the e3 room service gameplay got people jumping like crazy but heres what would of been mafia if it was empire city instead of bay, (beta was city with the cut shit) ok so freddys was at midtown instead of lil litaly we can see in trailer but look at this video,

<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>


honestly the delzia would of been nice with that noise, atleast some stuff was brougt bacj but mafia would be perfect 10 instead of 8 to 9 if i had the money id remake. comment

we have talked about these things a lot. Because of the trailers and infos ,which 2k games revealed before the game launch, and of the deactivated files inside the game directory we now know many things about Empire bay and generally Mafia II. It's a pity they cut so many features ruining at the same time one of the most anticipated games of 2010 but we can't keep asking why this happened , it's vain. Personally, I am focused on other games now regardless of my passion for the Mafia series. If there is gonna be a new Mafia title or something relevant I will return actively in these forums.

Can we download this delizia somewhere (this from the trailer) ? BTW, it's very nice trailer with lot of cut features (e.g. melee weapons).

if anything id want the free ride mission back and the delzia mission on VITO not joe well it still fun on joe and i wonder why the sound for the joe adventure delzia is liek a isw not how it was before, i still love the game and all just the delzia mission and the hunters point house thats all i want oh well atleast i can do out of buisness in joes adventure and make it like original, (drive delzia out and use cocktails)  <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/biggrin.png" alt="" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">