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August 23, 2024, 10:01:38 PM Last Edit: August 23, 2024, 10:07:42 PM by AMadeMan
You guys have probably seen me on Discord, but my proper reintroduction on this forum was quite overdue ;D .

I still cannot believe it has been over 7 years since I joined MafiaScene... And yet there are plenty here that have been members since the day Mafia City of Lost Heaven released back in 2002. I had been following the forums years prior (At earliest, probably back in 2013), though it took me until May 2017 to officially join. I remember just choosing "AMadeMan" as my name since it was short and simple, and I just couldn't think of any other username that was mafia-related LOL. Sometimes I had the yellow lassiter as my profile icon, whereas other days it was the render of Tommy holding the pump-action shotgun. I met some fantastic people here on these forums - Asa, Muggy, Mr Robville, Neutral, djbozkoz (congrats on becoming a developer for Mafia Definitive Edition!), and so many more. I'm glad to have known you all over the years.

It truly sucks to see the old site go down with all those years of interactions, but the memories still remain in the end. But HEY, the memories don't need to stay as only memories. That's why I kept up with Discord server and sought to rejoin the forums. This is my first time exploring this different site here so it will be a kinda-new experience for me, but it will be fun talking to you all again! I have thought about getting into Mafia modding a while back, but never got into it because of my time being taken up by real life events and busy work. I had graduated from college and gotten my IT degree, and I work a regular (almost full-time) job now. So times like these are gonna be a bit more rare to come by. In any case, I'm glad to unearth a part of my past that I look fondly on.

Welcome back!
Sorry for the delayed reply. Work keeps me on the go and busy!

7 years, that's a long time!

Yeah, the old site is gone but it seems like someone bought the domain and is possibly working on a new site? I'm not sure. I wish I had known the domain reg was going to expire and I would have tried to buy it myself.