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March 21, 2012, 12:01:22 PM Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM by Guest
Microsoft Talkit!


This is the best little prog I have seen in a long time, it simply takes text and speaks it to you, and u can change the voice, pitch, etc etc.  We folks beeen having fun with this for days now  So i figure everyone has to try this out.




Talk It!, also called TalkAny, was a popular text-to-speech (TTS) software by SoftVoice, Inc. and was originally included in the Windows 95 version of Microsoft Plus! under the name of "Microsoft Plus! for Kids". It was used to teach children pronunciation of words and for simple text-to-speech uses, including narration and accessibility.

Talk It! came in two languages, Spanish and English. It was one of the first programs to properly pronounce two different languages.



Processor= 233MHz


Graphics= 8MB


Extract Files using winrar OR 7zip..

No installation required just double click the file named"TALKIT" its already intalled..


Just put it on your desktop





It in our download section: ... 31-talk-it

#1 March 21, 2012, 08:41:04 PM Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM by Guest
Thanks for sharing this! i will try it later