[align=center:74ov6xf9]Free Ride Mafia II v4.0
Test animation & reaction
<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/cFmb3GIBWqk?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>[/youtube:74ov6xf9]
Empire Arms Hotel, Test barman animation + Alberto joke
thank's zahar999 for info on alberto.
<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RCIlu1lagUI?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>[/youtube:74ov6xf9]
Full Empire Arms Hotel
Joe and Marty can accompany you
<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/V7mMKi_OuDY?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>[/youtube:74ov6xf9]
Villa Leo Galante
Activation FR M2
Joe and Henry can accompany you
<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/wCZMQJLw8mA?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>[/youtube:74ov6xf9]
For Joe and Henry the same thing that in the video of Vinci Mansion
Outside the red zone, the game disables the villa.
(//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://thumbnails42.imagebam.com/16795/da4de6167944597.jpg&key=abbe04eb9d68a88e927f43bff6cd1227a61034580f1f86a3bb4586fff7267134) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/da4de6167944597:74ov6xf9)
Villa Vinci Mansion
Activation FR M2
Joe and Henry cannot accompany you
<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NVLI_sDVunQ?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>[/youtube:74ov6xf9]
Same thing for Henry
(//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://thumbnails58.imagebam.com/16795/b556ba167944353.jpg&key=9844fdc3ce0234a55fda09f4458b7d5d76cb2532b994dcc14cada96a3fed7269) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/b556ba167944353:74ov6xf9)
Activation FR M2
Joe and Henry cannot accompany you
<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ixkAq0dioMQ?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>[/youtube:74ov6xf9]
(//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://thumbnails59.imagebam.com/16959/fabe11169584706.jpg&key=caf1c0d8a8e6325a133dfe6a0cfe5c67129dd51da136e53bd8a953aa7e5e67bd) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/fabe11169584706:74ov6xf9)
Real door openings, E-Key already present in the game.
Activation FR M2
<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/M0adpm2qaDE?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>[/youtube:74ov6xf9]
Option Save
you could do 4 different saves. without any Problem.
(//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://thumbnails47.imagebam.com/16927/ee0b7c169262956.jpg&key=788f2595cfb3c9add3888e73722624e3720aa9785143161409b566ca497bac37) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/ee0b7c169262956:74ov6xf9) (//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://thumbnails44.imagebam.com/16927/79740b169262960.jpg&key=9068fc4b9eae0910bcbacf0f9833c7de0a505832a9898fde6ba6ceeaaf8de8a5) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/79740b169262960:74ov6xf9) (//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://thumbnails39.imagebam.com/16927/3e9b46169262964.jpg&key=b73c4569ed968c8559a0d0615b5f3605fd2dcfd801d652dcec315132ab617343) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/3e9b46169262964:74ov6xf9) (//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://thumbnails58.imagebam.com/16927/2444c4169262970.jpg&key=dae5c5fb13e597e1c09077dbe52e13a861e4ca55d2ee1566f7a1850aacb73b1f) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/2444c4169262970:74ov6xf9)
already realized in 2010 in my first FR
see also
New menu for FR M2 & FR JA.
Activation FR M2
<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/GXiHZzcLtjY?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>
1) Now a E-Key "Menu" follows the player anywhere. it blinks during 2 seconds every 5 seconds.
which gives you access at
- Option Animation* & Quit
- Option player
<hr class="bbcode_rule" />
> New God Mod (infinite life, all weapons, no reload).
- Option Save
<hr class="bbcode_rule" />
> four possibilities only FR M2.
- Option Weather Season & Traffic
*Animation : when you choose smoking, E-Key "Menu" becomes E-Key "smoking".
- the animation are simple it's just for testing.
2) When you get on a car E-Key "Menu" becomes E-Key "Option Car"
- New Option car "Stop engine" --> to restart the engine just accelerate
- Option Weather Season & Traffic -> Mode: summer/winter was not possible inside a car.
Office Price.
Activation FR M2
<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/mjj6ZRcXSNg?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>[/youtube:74ov6xf9]
full Prison.
Activation FR M2
<div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Tto970-3-18?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div>[/youtube:74ov6xf9]
Real and Original Garage.
Activation FR M2 & FR JA
[youtube:74ov6xf9][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLCN5MvetPU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLCN5MvetPU (//forum/22-existenz34s-mods/2873-nostalgia-my-first-fr-23092010)[/youtube:74ov6xf9]
Awesome looking stuff coming in v3.0! :cheer: I like the vid, seems Vito is heavily wanted, lol.
Now that I used a little the SDS tool my self I found what someone else months ago had discovered among the Mafia files. The Scaletta Pizzeria. We can simply imply that Vito was supposed to have his own pizzeria at some point in the game. The dds files show a lot and I will post two images here. Existenz do you think you can do something with the files? like recreating the place...but unfortunately we don't even know the exact location. (//wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wacko.png) (//confuse.gif)??: (//i1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd389/expelior/PizzaScaletta.jpg&key=743d3fdb61b582f19bbc822036dceac21e85e53a1674e75b53b48359d378c0ef)(//i1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd389/expelior/Menu-Pictures.jpg&key=f78b4a9741ed4c1a112a9d905532074fbc62f0f945dcba4e059d5e521be0e415)
If you ask me, the whole idea in the story of Vito's nameless father worked on the port was a after thought on the story, it defnitely appears that Vito's father in Vavra's original script showed that his mother and father ran a Pizza joint. I'm not saying it's cut out or anything like that, maybe the Pizza Joint idea of the story was prob bad rather than a dark story for the father at the port. But it does though look like the initial idea for Vito's father was that he owned a Pizza joint.Btw see the 3 stars on the menu? that is a high ranked restaurant, if you got 3 stars on your restaurant your not the top-top quality, but your high ranked. I think the ultimate rating is 5 star.
If that is how things were initially planned they must have made huge changes because if you think it out when his family left Sicily they were completely penniless and thus it would have been very difficult to own their own pizzaeria and 3 stars ranked ( you are right 5 stars is the top rank). On the other hand it makes sense that Vito built this pizza place . Besides it was common for gangsters to own restaurants and bars while operating secretly. And if you ask me I would bet all my things that the bars of the 3 bosses had upper quarters as well. Have you seen the locked door behide the Mona lisa Bar? It connects exactly with a locked door in the bar and there are stairs for an upper floor there and in Maltese Falcon too. If you don;t believe me go check :s illy:you were right about the family pizza joint wiki (http://mafiagame.wikia.com/wiki/Scaletta_Family:fu2jpfre)
much talk on MS.com and no one has found anything.
Oh? Everytime I go there the site is down.
Hey, eXistenZ34, how is everything so far with FR 3.0? From what you've shown us thus far, it looks insane, I would love to see the latest and I can also post it on home to show all your fantastic work.Indeed many people talked alot on the MS.Com, but I think the reason why people have found nothing is because no-one can import export models from Mafia II yet, but once we do, we will see whole side of Mafia II that is hidden in those files, I can't wait to see a import/export tool for Mafia II.
Good job as always existenz.Personally i would not waste anymore time with JA Freeride because it requires its own StreamMap which limits what we can do.M2Ex on the other hand will give you the whole JA map, Jimmy DLC missions and most main game entities. I have been toying around with the Jimmy DLC streamaps and can confirm they all work in M2Ex. In order to spawn enemies from let say "fr_boss_port_load" you have to move the corresponding files (fr_boss_port.sds, fr_boss_port_data.sds) from PC/sds/script to JA/sds/script.Most of the main game StreamMap entities work to but some map areas are glitched like the Chinese restaurant for example. I have been trying to find a way to fix that. I will let you know if i manage to fix it.Anyways enough talking, here's a mission existenz posted in another thread but i utilized a different StreamMap to also enable Joe and Henry as bodyguards.(//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=width=400&key=7abcbac69b01ff6228e0b54517c409a5de0b401e4057ae823186221d1e0e925b)http://i52.tinypic.com/wv5ssi.png (http://i52.tinypic.com/wv5ssi.png)[/img]
Hi Tommy Glad to see you here.For Chinese restaurant, Derek hangar ..... The problem is file city_univers.sdswith FR M2Ex using file city_univers.sds of JA, This allows us to have- Dam road - Villa Hillwood- Kingston Station- Cathouse- .........but we lost- Chinesse rest- Derek Hangar- Distillery- Seatgif- ........For test use file city_univers.sds of JA in M2 & you have Villa hillwood in FR M2.I see your work advance..PS:what StreamMap you used to have Joe and Henry also as bodyguards with Mansion enemies.PS2: I've been away one week, FR JA v2.0 in a few days, later this weekend.after i work on FR M2 v3.0
Hey existen,I will work on editing the city_univers.sds.The StreamMap for Joe and Henry is "12_joe_henry_load" and "12_joe_henry_unload"There are 27 enemy entities.GangOut1a (a-e)GangOut2a (a-e)GangOut3a (a-e)GangOut4a (a-e)GangBackUp1 (1-7)
Ok thanksI would do a subject on all entitiesPrison(//i53.tinypic.com/nlbviv.jpg&key=c42dfdce283a3cb9be306f86135865765be1324aa6a2e02bad8b03c4d29638a7)(//i51.tinypic.com/2ykzvnk.jpg&key=d5b682619b31fd9b115dc1cdc57d989bd892683d7fabc845b38093634fb67b9a)but I also for FR M2- Entit̮̩̉̉ Observatory- Entit̮̩̉̉ Sea Gift- Entit̮̩̉̉ Fondry- Entit̮̩̉̉ Distilery- Entit̮̩̉̉ arcade- Entit̮̩̉̉ Clemente slaughter- Entit̮̩̉̉ Chines restaurant- Entit̮̩̉̉ MansionEdit: Tommy it's entity of Sea Gift, just a.b.c.d for GangOut3 & GangOut4
hello Tommy Mafioso and thanky ou for joining our site, and thank you as well for supporting modders. (//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=%257BSMILIES_PATH%257D/smiley.gif&key=02ceb271c9beebbba5eb063807ea68025aa3a8748920403386f7b2f1ca9b55eb)I really look forward to what both you and eXistenZ34 comes up with.I am glad that it appears that FR 3.0 is coming along good eXistenZ34.
Found out some more interesting things while playing around with the StreamMaps from Jimmy's DLC.We can load all vehicles from the dealership missions, that's a total of 38 vehicles. :cool: I will be posting a video of this soon.Here's the waybar(//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=width=400&key=7abcbac69b01ff6228e0b54517c409a5de0b401e4057ae823186221d1e0e925b)http://i52.tinypic.com/2hhixwn.png (http://i52.tinypic.com/2hhixwn.png)[/img]
Nice find, I honestly would love it if FR M2 3.0 featured in-dealer car purchases. Of course... no pressure to do so, just something that and I am sure many others would love to see in-game.
QuoteNice find' date=' I honestly would love it if FR M2 3.0 featured in-dealer car purchases. Of course... no pressure to do so, just something that and I am sure many others would love to see in-game.[/quote']I am working on that. (//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=%257BSMILIES_PATH%257D/wink.gif&key=df6b08593a4a1edca0bdefe4afc57da8bc62b9d9e905c9289414a75c2bc7b129) After more testing, its not exactly 38 vehicles, some of them are duplicates.It's over 20 though.(//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=width=400&key=7abcbac69b01ff6228e0b54517c409a5de0b401e4057ae823186221d1e0e925b)http://i53.tinypic.com/29xap37.png (http://i53.tinypic.com/29xap37.png)[/img]
WoW! This all looks great! I can't wait to see the next version. Welcome Tommy! Let Mike or I know if you need anything from us as far as the site goes. Keep up the good work guys, I think this game has some great potential left in it yet!
Awesome, FR M2 3.0 is looking pretty damn sick, thank you all so much for your support.
I know this car entity, but i don't knows StreamMapLine.you know StreamMapLine for cd_car1 to cd_car38 view Spoiler Edit : I found(but Max 3 Car has both)
<div class="ipsSpoiler_header">
Car-1 /sds/cars/ulver_newyorker_z.sds JoesCar /sds/cars/shubert_taxi_z.sds /sds/cars/shubert_38_z.sds BrokenCar /sds/script_sounds/m02_sounds_71.sds /sds/cars/shubert_truck_ct.sds M02DerekTruck /sds/cars/ulver_newyorker_p_z.sds m03PoliceCar m03PoliceCarBlocker1 m03PoliceCarBlocker2 m03PolicePlayerCar m03PoliceCarBlocker3 /sds/cars/shubert_panel_z.sds M02BruskyBombersCar SqCarWhore /sds/cars/shubert_38_destr.sds disAutoOchranky disAutoOchranky2 /sds/cars/smith_200_pha.sds M07JoesCar /sds/cars/potomac_indian.sds Act_M07_EddiesCar /sds/cars/shubert_truck_ct_cigar.sds M08TruckCigar /sds/cars/lassiter_69.sds stevovo_auto /sds/cars/shubert_frigate_pha.sds M09Shubert_Frigate arTruck /sds/cars/lassiter_75_pha.sds M10ClementesCar m10Car_06 /sds/cars/jefferson_futura_pha.sds batmobilSQ joesCar /sds/cars/shubert_beverly.sds HenryCar GangCar1 GangCar2 bossCar joeCar /sds/cars/shubert_truck_sg.sds SgTruck1 SgTruck2 SgTruck3 SgTruck4 SgTruck5 SgTruck6 SgTruck7 SgTruck8 SgTruck9 /sds/script/m13_bitch1.sds /sds/script/m13_bitch3.sds /sds/script/m13_park_maps.sds /sds/cars/smith_stingray_pha.sds Car /sds/cars/m14china_car.sds /sds/script/m14sq_killderek_gr1.sds /sds/cars/houston_wasp_pha.sds 14_ML_car chaseCar1 Escaper truck /sds/cars/walter_coupe.sds car_00 car_03 /sds/cars/shubert_truck_cc.sds truck_00 truck_01 truck_02 /sds/cars/isw_508.sds Car1 /sds/cars/shubert_pickup.sds car01 car02 car03 car04 bossCar4 bossCar5 car1 car2 car3 car4 targetCar /sds/cars/hank_fueltank.sds tanker1 tanker2 /sds/cars/shubert_38.sds shubert1 shubert2 shubert3 shubert4 boss_car truck_01_car truck_02_car truck_03_car truck_04_car FuelTank1 FuelTank2 FuelTank3 bossCar1 bossCar3 /sds/cars/berkley_kingfisher_pha.sds bossCar1 car1 car2 bossCar bossCar bckUpCar2 bombCar chinCar1 chinCar2 /sds/cars/ascot_baileys200_pha.sds car_01 boss_car car_01 car_02 car_03 car_04 car_05 car_Objective TargetCar1 TargetCar3 TargetCar1 TargetCar2 fuel_tank car_01 /sds/cars/parry_prison.sds priscar1 /sds/cars/shubert_34.sds cd_car1 /sds/cars/smith_v8.sds cd_car2 /sds/cars/smith_coupe.sds cd_car3 cd_car4 /sds/cars/shubert_panel.sds cd_car5 cd_car6 cd_car7 /sds/cars/shubert_hearse.sds cd_car8 /sds/cars/jeep.sds cd_car9 /sds/cars/smith_wagon_pha.sds cd_car10 cd_car11 /sds/cars/jeep_civil.sds cd_car12 /sds/cars/smith_mainline_pha.sds cd_car13 /sds/cars/gai_353_military_truck.sds cd_car14 /sds/cars/jefferson_provincial.sds cd_car15 /sds/cars/ulver_newyorker.sds cd_car16 cd_car17 /sds/cars/quicksilver_windsor_pha.sds cd_car18 cd_car19 cd_car20 /sds/cars/smith_200_p_pha.sds cd_car21 /sds/cars/hank_b.sds cd_car22 cd_car23 cd_car24 /sds/cars/hot_rod_2.sds cd_car25 /sds/cars/walker_rocket.sds cd_car26 cd_car27 cd_car28 cd_car29 /sds/cars/hot_rod_3.sds cd_car30 cd_car31 cd_car32 cd_car33 cd_car34 /sds/cars/shubert_armoured.sds cd_car35 Car-2 /sds/cars/gai_353_military_truck_z.sds ArmyTruck1 ArmyTruck2 ArmyTruck3 ArmyTruck4 ArmyTruck5 /sds/cars/shubert_truck_cc_z.sds M02Truck /sds/script/m02_cleaning_woman_car.sds /sds/script_sounds/m02_sounds_4_policechar.sds /sds/cars/shubert_pickup_z.sds M02FmvPickUp M02BruskyBombersCar M02BruskyBombersCar1 /sds/script/sqm02derek_car.sds /sds/cars/ulver_newyorker_p.sds PoliceCar01 PoliceCar02 PoliceCar03 PoliceCar04 PoliceCarFMV1 PoliceCarFMV2 PoliceCarFMV3 /sds/cars/jefferson_provincial_z.sds SqCarVerso /sds/cars/lassiter_69_destr.sds disAutoTlustocha CarCustomer01 MillCarCustomer01 /sds/cars/hot_rod_1.sds hotRod01 hotRod04 hotRod03
/sds/cars/shubert_panel_m14.sds haryCar /sds/fmv/fmv0950.sds fmv0950 M09Shubert_truck1 M09Shubert_truck2 M09Shubert_truck3 M10JoesCar Car_00 Car_01 Car_02 Car_06 GangsterCar1 GangsterCar2 desCar guardsCar FuelTank playersCar chinCar1 chinCar2 chinCar3 chinCar4 car3 car4 /sds/script/m14sq_killderek_gr2.sds chaseCar2 /sds/cars/lassiter_75_fmv.sds m15_limuzina Hunter car_01 car_02 truck_03 Car2 Car4 car05 car06 car07 car08 bossCar1 bossCar2 bossCar3 gangsterCar1 gangsterCar2 playerTanker lassiter1 lassiter2 lassiter3 gangsterCar truck_05_car truck_06_car truck_07_car SeagiftTrailer1 SeagiftTrailer2 SeagiftTrailer3 bossCar2 bossCar4 bossCar2 bossCar3 carPlayer bckUpCar1 bckUpCar3 explodeCar chinCar3 car_02 car_03 car_04 car_05 car_06 TargetCar2 TargetCar3 priscar2 car30_enemycar car35_pcar1 car35_pcar2 cd_car36 /sds/cars/waybar.sds cd_car37 cd_car38 Car-3 /sds/cars/shubert_truck_sp_z.sds SnowTruck /sds/cars/parry_bus_z.sds BrokenBus M02Rolba M02CharlieObjectiveCar /sds/cars/smith_coupe_wreck.sds ShootingTutorialCar /sds/cars/walter_coupe_z.sds M02BruskyObjectiveCar /sds/script/sqm02derek_car_1.sds /sds/cars/player_vittel_textures.sds m05BrokenCar /sds/hchar/brianc.sds m08RiverPoliceCar hotRodHunter M09Shubert_pickup1 M09Potomac_Indian1 M09Potomac_Indian2 M09Potomac_Indian3 EscapeCar ChaseCar2 ReinfCar2 /sds/script/m13_bitch2.sds /sds/script/m13_bitch4.sds wongsCar coverCar hunterCar doprovod car5 car6 car1 nakupci gangster_car Houston_Wasp_pha1_CUT Houston_Wasp_pha_CUT car_04 car_05 Car3 hearse1 lassiter1 lassiter2 lassiter3 lassiter4 lassiter5 finish_02_car car_bandit_2 Car-4 /sds/script_sounds/m02_sounds_1_lowchar.sds /sds/cars/smith_truck.sds TruckBlock /sds/script/sqm02derek_car_2.sds /sds/fmv/sqgc0900b_d.sds harrysPickup disAutoEnd /sds/traffic/citga1c.sds TruckCrash /sds/cars/shubert_truck_qd.sds shubert_truck01 hotRod02
detectiveCar /sds/script/m09_ucetni2.sds Car_03 Car_04 Car_05 M10GangstersCar m10Car_05 act_Ascot_BaileyS200 henrySuperCar ReinfCar1 ChaseCar1 AmbushCar dodavka dodavkaBedny car2 car7 /sds/script/m14sq_killderek_car4.sds Berkley_Kingfisher_pha Car4 finish_01_car gang_car_01_car gang_car_02_car gang_car_03_car gang_car_04_car Car-5 PoliceCar /sds/script/sqm02derek_car_3.sds /sds/shops/05prechod.sds /sds/traffic/citga2v.sds /sds/fmv/fmv0850.sds fmv_0850_start /sds/fmv/fmv0855.sds hotRodMolotov carTragicEscape Truck1 Truck2 /sds/script/fr_trigger_models.sds Car-6 hotRodEscaper /sds/script/m09_butcherdog.sds /sds/cars/parry_bus.sds Parry_Bus1 Parry_Bus /sds/cars/sicily_military_truck.sds finaltruck01 finaltruck02 finaltruck03 finaltruck04 /sds/script/m06_vitvezo_gr.sds /sds/script/m13_enemies5.sds /sds/script/m06_vitvezoc_gr.sds /sds/script/m13_enemies4.sds finaltruck01a finaltruck02a finaltruck03a finaltruck04a prisonBus /sds/script/m13_enemies3.sds /sds/missionscript/m01part2.sds /sds/missionscript/m01part3.sds parkedCar1 parkedCar2 parkedCar3 /sds/script/m13_enemies2.sds /sds/script/m01_shoptex.sds parkedCar4 /sds/script/m13_common_anim1.sds
Entity foundry(//i54.tinypic.com/3468j1h.jpg&key=7fc7a270d72cc2112e9c4b878471fa5a731ed1a153486a28603b6210d4a6fbe8)game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("fmv_0804_load")game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("foundry_load")game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("foundry_ambush")game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("08_end_foundry")Joe
<hr class="bbcode_rule" />
<hr class="bbcode_rule" />
<hr class="bbcode_rule" />
amisGangster01 -- amisGangster02 -- amishotRod01
PanicGreaser02 AttackGreaser01 AttackGreaserBackup01 greaserRacer01 chick01PanicGreaser04 AttackGreaser02 AttackGreaserBackup02 greaserRacer02 chick02PanicGreaser05 AttackGreaser03 AttackGreaserBackup03 greaserRacer03PanicGreaser06 AttackGreaser04 AttackGreaserBackup04 greaserRacer04PanicGreaser07 AttackGreaser05PanicGreaser09 AttackGreaser06PanicGreaser10PanicGreaser11PanicGreaser12PanicGreaser13PanicGreaser14PanicGreaser15
Tommy look at this : Example for buy a carwith your info it's even better.Karma +1Before
<div class="ipsSpoiler_header">
OG1=function(l_26_0)CommandBuffer:Insert(l_26_0,{function(l_1_0)return GG:ShowQuestionScreen4("3455000410","3455000411",1,"3455000412",2,"3455000413",3,"3455000414",4)end,function(l_2_0)if game.gui:GetQuestionScreenAnswer()==1 then OG2()endif game.gui:GetQuestionScreenAnswer()==2 then game.garage:CheatAddCars(t)return OG1()endif game.gui:GetQuestionScreenAnswer()=(//smile3.gif) then game.garage:CheatAddCar("Waybar",t)return OG1()endif game.gui:GetQuestionScreenAnswer()==4 then game.garage:CheatAddCar("Delizia_Grandeamerica",t)return OG1()endend})end
<div class="ipsSpoiler_header">
OG1=function(l_26_0)CommandBuffer:Insert(l_26_0,{function(l_1_0)return GG:ShowQuestionScreen4("3455000410","3455000411",1,"3455000412",2,"3455000413",3,"3455000414",4)end,function(l_2_0)if game.gui:GetQuestionScreenAnswer()==1 then OG2()endif game.gui:GetQuestionScreenAnswer()==2 then game.garage:CheatAddCars(t)return OG1()endif game.gui:GetQuestionScreenAnswer()=(//smile3.gif) then if game.game:GetActivePlayer():InventoryGetMoney() >= 160000 then game.game:GetActivePlayer():InventoryRemoveMoney(160000)game.garage:CheatAddCar("Waybar",t)return OG1()endif game.gui:GetQuestionScreenAnswer()==4 then if game.game:GetActivePlayer():InventoryGetMoney() >= 800000 then game.game:GetActivePlayer():InventoryRemoveMoney(800000)game.garage:CheatAddCar("Delizia_Grandeamerica",t)return OG1()endend})end
Hey existenzI tried to add this string and it keeps on failing to load.
<pre class="ipsCode">if game.gui:GetQuestionScreenAnswer()==then if game.game:GetActivePlayer():InventoryGetMoney() >= 160000</pre>
Anyways here is a test version of Diamond Motors implemented into my script. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXwJ5et3OCc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXwJ5et3OCc:2aelr6yu)
Looks like the tests are going real well so far, keep up the fantastic work guys. (//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=%257BSMILIES_PATH%257D/smiley.gif&key=02ceb271c9beebbba5eb063807ea68025aa3a8748920403386f7b2f1ca9b55eb)
Test 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygB2m-tc38s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygB2m-tc38s:1p7taa4s)
Looks insane! :cheer: I really look forward to checking it for myself when FR 3.0 releases! (//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=%257BSMILIES_PATH%257D/smiley.gif&key=02ceb271c9beebbba5eb063807ea68025aa3a8748920403386f7b2f1ca9b55eb)My wishful thoughts for the car dealer...Is it possible to make it when you enter the Car Dealer you see the real city around the dealer, instead of the fake city in the air? Is it also possible to make it where you can buy cars like the CarCyclopedia, where you see stats, you spin it around, then change colour, then buy it. I also did not like it that much that after you bought a vehicle the building went black and emptied out. I would also love to see the dealer interior from standing outside, I hate those damn gray fogged windows of where cut content belonged.
wow! that looks so freaking awesome! Thanks for all the hard work guys. Keep it up (//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=%257BSMILIES_PATH%257D/smiley.gif&key=02ceb271c9beebbba5eb063807ea68025aa3a8748920403386f7b2f1ca9b55eb)
The progresse made already is unbelievable :woohoo: The fact that we can now enter diamond motors is very exciting but again I will say some of the things Mike said before. The car customization before buying,the black out after the purchase and the windows from both sides. I am completely unaware of the moding process but I guess there must be some grey textures inside the files that cover the windows...if we could replace them with something transparent.( But i fear motors are in a different cell and not instantly connected to the city (//applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=%257BSMILIES_PATH%257D/sad.gif&key=888c7829bf8540dc37c082bfce07248e34f3be21473c18161696929e56a68e82) )
Car customization can be added.As far as the "black out", windows shifting and the sky being messed up that is all due to the method we are using to spawn entities. At the moment the only way we have to spawn entities is by switching StreamMaps. When you go to Diamond Motors in order to load the interior we have to use the carcyclopedia StreamMap but then in order to spawn the vehicle you purchase we have to switch to another streamMap. Unfortunately this disables some assets from the Diamond Motors interior. The the only way around it so you don't see the switch is to utilize a fade in/out after purchase and immediately spawn you outside the dealership.Switching SteamMaps is really not a solution, it will somewhat work for a mission based script but not for a seamless free ride.
you guys ever heared of the first scaletta house in sand island? why not tryin to figure that shit out and if you reply the intro youll notice the house is in sand island across form lone star maybe thats where Antonio scaletta went anyways so the scaletta moved out not renovated. just a lil tip cause not many peeps notice that it a cut safehouse
Is it possible to have a repair shop/garage at the dealership at one of the bays? I noticed a garage door opening mod with the players garage in them and it just made me want a dealership garage.
I hope this is still being worked on. I would really like to use Metro Motors and even drive the bus for once.
I like it a lot already!Good Job Guys.Keep up the good work!
I have a question about the Vinci Mansion.
Will you make it accessable in the next update?
Like Leons Mansion. Or as a savehouse with a garage maybe?
It has been quite some time since we heard from existenz. Does anybody know how things are going with his Mafia II freeride?
Thank you Cole.
But i can`t get cars from the Garage at Leos Mansion. <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink.png" alt="(//wink.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
I copy the Files but the gate at Vincis Mansion is still closed. I play in Summer. Must i do more than copy files? <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/unsure.png" alt="(//irritated.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/unsure@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
It would be nice to use leo`s mansion as a base.And open up the OPA building.
Quote<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="1423" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>
Thank you Cole.
But i can`t get cars from the Garage at Leos Mansion. <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink.png" alt="(//wink.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
I copy the Files but the gate at Vincis Mansion is still closed. I play in Summer. Must i do more than copy files? <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/unsure.png" alt="(//irritated.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/unsure@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
Press 'e' on your keyboard when you will see 'e' key with text: Vinci Mansion. Then pop-up appears asking you to choose that mansion should have enemies or not. Then screen goes dark and then back to game - from now the gate is opened (but sometimes textures of the streets disappear when you return to town)
You can't take cars from Leo's garage - maybe eXistenz will make it in his new FR.
I can`t get it.
Can you show me a screen where you exactly stand, to get the "press e" pop-up?
I wish there was a guied to Costas FR 2.2 because I had no idea all that could be opened. How can you get into the Observatory? The only way I found was in the back and it went into a cut scene first where I had to fight my way in, is there better way to get in?
Strange, which Version do you use, Cole?
I use Version 2.0.
I don`t get the Vinci Pop-up.
And i don`t get the Galante Mansion Pop-up.
I only can go to the gates and kick or pull it open.
That works for Leos, but not for Vinci.
I have 2.2, this one is an addon to the dlc folders. Really would like to know about more what it does.
(//wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/ohmy.png) Looks so great! Can't wait!
If only I could get it to work, no luck so far.
Thanks for all your help but I have tried everything you suggested and no luck. I did install them all correctly, just something about my set up that is not letting it work.
I'm new on this formu and I have suggestion for your upcoming mod FR JA 3.0. Is it possible to somehow unlock the 18th floor of Empire arms hotel. (there was a mission room service in that hotel) and a Vinci mansion. I know that mansion is already unlocked but only in normal free ride. It would be nice to have it unlocked in JA.
It's just a suggestion and let me know what you think about this.
Regards, Alex
Sorry, but this link you posted me does't work.
Does that script mean that the 3.0 is done?
I am getting a blank page with the word "expired" when I try to download <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/sad.png" alt="(//frown.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
Where can I get this? I can't find it (//irritated.gif)
QuoteWhere can I get this? I can't find it (//irritated.gif)
It hasn't been released yet.
Thanks, I will try it out now.
Thanks for this.
Yes, you're probably right. I would have loved to do that "Going Out of Business" JA mission in the story mode especially. Most of the JA and maybe even some of the BoJ/JV missions were once meant to be sidemissions of the main story.
Some new of FR M2 v3.0 : Villa Leo Galante
Activation FR M2
View the front page
If you look closely, they are also present before.
The icons are not final, but it's Bodyguard Joe and Henry.
For final icone it will be like tony in FR JA.
why they disappear and reappear, because when you load the villa "StreamMapLine" they are disabled, so they must be reactivate.
by consequence if they accompany you they respawn next to you.
Some new of FR M2 v3.0 : Villa Vinci Mansion
Activation FR M2
View the front page
Incredible work thus far eXistenZ34, I love to see your FR M2 v3.0 updates.
Yes, thank you. Your v2 changed the game for me and made it great and I am looking forward to your v3.
I agree with teisco.
eXistenZ34, how are things thus far with the car dealer? Have you gotten it where you can buy a car and exit the dealer with it? I would love to know your latest on that, it looked mental when you showed updates a month or 2 ago.
There, I work on Distillery and Miseriy Laine, and it's hot :eek: :s illy: (//wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/huh.png.04e12a04934075c5a1e0c618a726c4d9.png) (//confuse.gif)??: :mad: (//wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wacko.png)<img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue.png" alt="(//tongue.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"> inch: :s ide: :woohoo:
I spent all afternoon on it, Two different activation at manage, deactivate all the enemies to visit the distillery and complete control of the lift:
E-Key Control for
- Call the lift
- Take the lift
- Go to the 1st floor
- Go to the 2nd Floor
- Go to the 3rd floor
- Go to the 4th floor
and I have not yet done so to test for Joe and Henry and only tested for Summer.
Remains to be done:
- Prison
- Observatory
- Office Price
- Chinese restaurant
- Old Cathouse
- Arcade
- River Side Apart
- Empire Arms Hotel
- Diamond Motors
Gets better and better, thanks,
yes it looks fantastic i really gave up on this game untill i see this mod <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue.png" alt="(//tongue.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
? ?? ??? ????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ???
? ?? ??? ????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ???
I realized FR JA in multi 6
why FR M2 would not Multi 6 also.
??? ?!
?? ??? ????? ??? ????? ??? ? ??? SlaughterHouse?
??? ??? ("vitogangster") ?? ? ??? ? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ?????
eXistenZ34 ,i saw some videos of your mafia 2 free ride mod and i really like it but i don't have JA DLC...i just want to ask if you have any free ride mod for the normal mafia 2 steam version.sorry if this isn't the right topic for asking...
Yes, you are in the right topic.
Free Ride Mafia II == FR M2
But as the title suggests, it's still in project & it is not yet completed. (//forum/22-existenz34s-mods/187-free-ride--comparative-table)
thanks for the answer.i really hope you will finish the v3.0 mod and good luck with all your projects!can you tell us how much percent is the mod finished 30%/50%/65%...?
When will you finish the mod?don't hurry better make it big and slow than quick and small
Some new of FR M2 v3.0 : Option Save
you could do 4 different saves. without any Problem.
View the front page
I like that very much, it is a good idea actually, being able to create multiple saves, I fancy that quite alot, brilliant work as always eXistenZ34, I really CANNOT wait to play FR M2 v3.0!
There are a lot of ideas in this topic, but I want to know on whose FR your FR bases?
All I watch is in FR M2 v3.0.
it is writing my script step by step.
Big and difficult, but I'm sure, good work <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink.png" alt="(//wink.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
i think i asked this before but: will this mod be compatible with the normal steam version or i should use your nocd crack?
Some new of FR M2 v3.0 : Distillery
[/size]Activation FR M2
[/size]View the front page
Quotei think i asked this before but: will this mod be compatible with the normal steam version or i should use your nocd crack?
I do not know.
But can you use the FR of Zahar or Costa because it is the same thing.
at zahar I can't save and at costa's i can't see the trees after load(i know his problem...)
i think that the best FR mods are yours
P.S.:is there a costa's v2.2 or greater?i have just v2.1 and no new locations...
Costa has made only v2, the .1 is me. :cool:
it was just to see if it would work without a NoCD
hope it works
P.S. :s orry i tooth it was his...
Some new of FR M2 v3.0 : Real door openings, E-Key already present in the game.
Activation FR M2
View the front page
nice...and the teleportation(i hope i'm not the only guy who doesn't know)how can you do that?
+1for your great mods
Incredible, incredible work eXistenZ34, that is something i've wanted to see in the game for a while, is no damn black fade at doors, well done.
Wow that's really great work eXistenZ34. Just pressing the E-key will make it easier and faster to open the doors and the black fades won't interrupted the gameplay anymore.
Could this technique be used for all doors and gates? Does it work with the places that aren't loaded automaticly in Freeride or would it work if they were previously loaded when the player comes near to them?
In this mod will you be able to:
change weather
tune car and other options for car
garage options ???
Don Calzone
yes all doors, gates and windows where you know the order.
but what I meant is that for some door or portal:
Ex for Forge, E-Key doesn't exist
in the script
- You have to write the coordinates of E-Key
- Create E-Key
- You have to activate E-Key
- And when E-Key is activated
--- You need a script to open the door
--- You need a script to close the door
in the video for all doors and gates, I used only a small control initialized at the start of FR
because it is already present in the game.
yes the same basis as FR JA
whit new option for Save (only FR M2)
and new God Mod
(//thumbnails54.imagebam.com/16991/b6f1f0169906192.jpg&key=e544c0030685278296125d5f9f9c30b72d39a00bfe53d258e1efd43a5661abe6) (http://www.imagebam.com/image/b6f1f0169906192:o21cfoos)
Your making us crazy for FR M2 v3.0. :woohoo:
It looks smokin', I can't wait to play it when it is released, thank you eXistenZ34.
? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??
(//pix.playground.ru/thumb/625116.jpg&key=dcf75e9aa35ace12ca3e5bcac4f964fedf4fd19bb590b5e8610106a8142ae287) (http://pix.playground.ru/1095731/37329/625116/:1r53kt16)
?? ? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ???????? ??? ??? ?? game.sds:ActivateStreamMapLine("load_tutorial_dds")
? ?? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ??
? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ? ?? ??? ? ??? ????
?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??? ????? ??? ?????
??? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??????
Good but it's funny
I have just rearrange a LUA compiled in DLC Joe's for Car Racing in Empire Bay (Les 24 Heures d'Empire Bay)
Fichier "dlc_charlie4" and
the solution is not far away
So we have
For M2
For JA
- "DLC_PARKING1_00" --> Edit Working directly for JA no need of "ActivateStreamMapLine"
- "DLC_MISSIONEND1_00" --> Edit Working directly for JA no need of "ActivateStreamMapLine"
we need to understand the function
"Math ... newMatrix ... SetRotEuler"
??? ??? ??? FR MII
(//pix.playground.ru/thumb/625627.jpg&key=7c13281cc8bb5e3de99a6e8cccdb60ac15a407881b7e38ab48608c32f9c9c1fb) (http://pix.playground.ru/1095731/37329/625627/:3oxvux4q)
??? ????? ??? ??? ??? ?? StreamMapLine("load_tutorial_dds")
? ??? ? ??? ??? ???????
? ??? ?????? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? ?? ? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??!
hey, any news when this might be coming out, btw this is awesome work.
Maybe next month..?
sorry if Im alone of not having read into it much, but will there be meeleeweapons, locked animations and stuff like that? Besides the actual Free-ride mod.
more specifically the animations you have in your videos, like smoking, sitting on bench, NPC stuff I know, but will it be included? Thanks
A little bit of offtop.
eXistenZ34, how did you create the Test Scene? How did you spawn objects like lamps, cars, walls, etc?
And is there any script for Bullet Time (slow motion) for Mafia II?
which Test Scene in JA : it is not me but 2K.
How did you spawn objects like lamps, cars, walls, etc? --> rummaging in every file.
above all:
- "StreamMapa.bin" & "M2DLC_Joes_Adventures_sm.bin" ( for StreamMapLine & Car name entity )
- All "Actors_0.bin" & script LUA ( they are compiled, but you can find much information )
And is there any script for Bullet Time --> it's funny PlusOne
asked me the same thing some days ago and I don't know.
<hr class="bbcode_rule" />
in order to reduce the size of the LUA script,
- Option Player
- Option Weather Season & Traffic
- Option God Mod
- Option Save
- Option Garage
will be available than in one place.
Your opinion interests me, what would be the best place.
Personnaly, if it call JA it normal that Joe place should be the central of the game <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="(//smile.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
? ?? ??? ??! ?? ??? ??? ? ??? ? ??? ??? ? ??? ?? ??? ???
??? ? ??? ?? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ? ??? ???? ??? ????? ??? ??
??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ????? ??? ?
? ??? ? ?? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??????
? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????
??? ?? ?? 10 ??? ???? ??? ??? ? ???
there are only two people who follow
[/size] <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/sad.png" alt="(//frown.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
soon on video, this new and unique place for all options.
[/size] :cool: :whistle:
- Option Player... At the front doors before you exit the houses, just like in FR JA v2.0.
- Option Weather Season & Traffic... F2 key to change time forward, and F1 key to change time backwards.
F3 key to randomize 40's & 50's traffic. F4 key to enable/disable Automatic Time.
- Option God Mod... F5 key.
- Option Save... F8 key.
- Option Garage... Where you placed it before in the FR FA v2.0, wich is next to the garage.
Will that save up script size? It would work great if possible.
No no no, not with the injector.
It's a surprise.
[/size] <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink.png" alt="(//wink.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
Is it possible to use those keys, without an injector?
I asked this question a year ago at COSTA and on MS.com
and was told that it was not possible.
That sucks mate, I guess then we can dump some options, Maybe start toning down the options in the cars, like cutting off the decal, colour and tuning settings in the cars, and for Garage cut that option out entirely and just make the garage automatically be filled to the max with all the cars. How much would you save, if you cut that out? Cause I prefer a lil' less features, if I get to really explore the city properly.
it is clear, but I'm not there yet.
but all these options
- Car Color
- Painting
- Tuning
- Chose Car
take up much space, but we will see later if we must remove or not.
I don't want to speak for others, but to me, you can dump everything you listed, I prefer more places to explore and seeing new things, all the car customizations are done at the custom shops anyways.
Mike This message :
in order to reduce the size of the LUA script,
- Option Player
- Option Weather Season & Traffic
- Option God Mod
- Option Save
- Option Garage
will be available than in one place.
Your opinion interests me, what would be the best place.
it's a joke for to introduce my new find.[/size]
Oh, silly me, I apologize, I thought you were serious. (//wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/ohmy.png) ops:
I am serious, all these options will be available more than one point. :s illy:
but wait to see what this unique location :eek: :woohoo:
I really hope you keep the first person in car view. That is the one thing I use most in your other mod. And if you could make it adjustable up and down so I can drive those cars and trucks that have lower windscreens or sun visors in the way.
I'm really waiting this mod .... the game graphic and atmosphere is so great that my dream is to go around and enter in every possible building .
Ive tried FR JA and is awesome ( unfortunately i cant find a download link for FR M2Ez !! ) ...
keep up the good ( excellent ) work !!!
you should include options for infinite ammo and all weapons <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="(//smile.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
What do you think about a option to select witch Version of Joe Apartment is in the Game, eXistenz? <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="(//smile.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
I mean the poor Version fromt the beginning or the final Version at the Game ending. I hope you unterstand my english. <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink.png" alt="(//wink.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
I hope you can add in the next Version Jimmy (the Bruce Willis skin) and some Bombers. <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink.png" alt="(//wink.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
that would add cheat to the game sad sad sad :s illy: :s illy: :s illy:
Jimmy is not playable in this freeride mod.
Jimmy is a kind of a free ride itself, it never end so the last achievement is to get 1,000,000 points
Hey cole just imagine that you need a heart surgery but an hour b4 you find out that the surgeon had cheat to get his degree :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Por favor,Onde fa̮̤o download de freeridev 3.0 ?
ainda nao saiu
amazing job,i can barelly wait to play it :woohoo:.
one more thing, it would be soo sick if it was possible to drag people and put them in the trunk.... i only wished that dev had putted that in the game... <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/sad.png" alt="(//frown.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
sry for bad english ỉ̫m portuguese <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue.png" alt="(//tongue.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
By the way welcome amoung us, your english is fine, i can easely understand it. Yes I also wait for the next free ride from eXistenZ34
Hi. I really like your mods. Very good job. Is there any possible way how to download the last version of Free Ride Mafia II? I can't find download links. <img src="/emoticons/blush.png.f82797d681f6058d78bfce89aae261a7.png" alt=" :blush: " data-emoticon=""> Thank you.
Some new of FR M2 v3.0 : New menu for FR M2 & FR JA.
1) Now a E-Key "Menu" follows the player anywhere. it blinks during 2 seconds every 5 seconds.
which gives you access at
- Option Animation* & Quit
- Option player
<hr class="bbcode_rule" />
> New God Mod (infinite life, all weapons, no reload).
- Option Save
<hr class="bbcode_rule" />
> four possibilities only FR M2.
- Option Weather Season & Traffic
*Animation : when you choose smoking, E-Key "Menu" becomes E-Key "smoking".
- the animation are simple it's just for testing.
2) When you get on a car E-Key "Menu" becomes E-Key "Option Car"
- New Option car "Stop engine" --> to restart the engine just accelerate
- Option Weather Season & Traffic -> Mode: summer/winter was not possible inside a car.
View the front page
Some new of FR M2 v3.0 : Office Price.
- winter
- summer
- All Weather
Some new of FR M2 v3.0 : Full Prison.
View the front page
ÃâëÃâëÃâëÃâëÃâëÃâëÃâëÃâëÃâëhey long time no see :cheer: <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="(//smile.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
the movie is to see that much eXistenZ34 try I can not wait until I play it I ask? when are you planning to go around?
Absolutely, incredible work mate, incredible, everything I want from this mod, you have, even the change day-time while in-car, have you been able to enlarge the MB size on the script?
Cause it is F***in' Amazing!
Hello eXistenZ34 will be a new version of freeride These your villa belonging to the Hillwood? otherwise fantastic work you've done the mod that I hope it will work on the Steam version
QuoteHello eXistenZ34 will be a new version of freeride These your villa belonging to the Hillwood? otherwise fantastic work you've done the mod that I hope it will work on the Steam version
it will work on the steam version as i was using hes mod 2.0 and it works fine i had a lot of fun and i am looking forward to this :cheer: i have the steam version of mafia 2
I know that it does not affect freeride for Joe's Adventures but you do not know how to rock the Steam version because when I did install and I want to turn on freeride and nothing, as there is the load chapter So no save imposed there is not, and I got Joe's Adventures performance ends know what same time, I do it I started
yes i know i had this problem also but i fixed it you have to move the folders around when you intall the mod it put them in the other folders so it wont show up freeride i have to remeber what i did last time to get it to work i move some foler into the other then every thing was was fine
You have to install Skidrow's crack for this. I don't know why, but since Steam's update 5, the Load Chapter menu doesn't work anymore and shows an empty list.
When you use the crack, the menu works again.
bist could send me picture how to do that sorry to bother but stim but really do not know how I can install mods
V3.0 is a project not a mod yet, :cool:
QuoteV3.0 is a project not a mod yet' date=' :cool: [/quote']
Yeh,I think that this mod will be the biggest reason for me to install Mafia 2 again <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue.png" alt="(//tongue.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
Quotemuch talk on MS.com and no one has found anything.
<img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="(//smile.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"><img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="(//smile.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"> dowland cite omg :mad: :mad: :mad:
Er, what do you mean exactly ? - Cole
007. do you mean you want a link?
Mafiascene.com is dead, here is Mafiascene.net and i would like you to explain to me why that joke on your profil:
ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben sen ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben
gee why transform yourself into a flyby
QuoteMafiascene.com is dead, here is Mafiascene.net and i would like you to explain to me why that joke on your profil:
ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben sen ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben
whats with that
Hmmm, maybe another silly joke, who knows :cool: - Cole
That power has darkened Coles brain :lol: :lol:
Sorry for this long wait, I have some problem with the function Follow/Wait for Joe and Henry after several activation of certain area.
and I do not have enough free time for all the ideas I have to develop FR M2.
And yes, I have already a version v4 in my head for counteract the size limit of script.
hello all!, sorry, a little question! I installed a version called "free ride mafiaII v3", and I watched videos like this
<div></div>, I followed the steps to install ... but ... the "E" key does not appear, I can not get into some structures, such as the hotel. and in the big house when I open the gate to the sky turns black!
are days that I put on and take off, I try in every way. sorry for my bad English, I'm Italian and I have difficulty in following sites and forums! thanks in advance
Me, i'm french so..
You have installed a version called "free ride mafiaII v3", But this is not my FR..
V3.0 is a project not a mod yet, and his name will be : FR M2 v3.0 By eXistenZ34.
thank you for responding! then! http://www.strategyinformer.com/pc/mafi ... 41332.html (http://www.strategyinformer.com/pc/mafia2/mod/41332.html) this is the mod that I installed! I hope I have not messed up! At this point I do not know whether the same?
this version of the freeride mode I also tried but I can not go into the house no Western Union what is the pop star and I just write it on the map and show where and what is not working freeride but do not know if it's because I have a steam version or something else, but everything I've done correct and nothing
perhaps my freeride V3.0 for Mafia II, which makes ExistenZ34 steam version will work
Steam is not the problem
It's just that it's not a FR M2, but a FR M2Ex. and it is not complete.
View: http]
for FR M2Ex there are Tommy Mafioso's Mods
or 2 Russe version on
1) [url=http://www.playground.ru/files/mafia_2_freeride_1_0_fix_existenz34_evene-44830/]http://www.playground.ru/files/mafia_2_ ... ene-44830/ (//forum/22-existenz34-s-mods/187-free-ride-comparative-table) made by Evene not me, but on the basis of FR JA v1.6
2) http://www.playground.ru/files/mafia_2_ ... _v2-56150/ (http://www.playground.ru/files/mafia_2_freeride_m2ex_by_b1010_alpha_v2-56150/)
I fear that I will not do that I tried the free ride for JA but that does not work but hopefully this will work free ride yeah and thanks for the answer you really did a good job So what I was looking on youtube for your videos
ExistenZ34 do not know if my answer is when you go around and freeride V3.0? Or rather, when it releases on the estimate and they just will not ask for the necessary update IV? because if I did so because when nezahraju install update so I IV Mafia II does not start writing me something about the error code 2 or something like that
Free Ride Mafia II v3.0 Y U NO release? :cheer:
Just kidding, I'd like to ask, what about Sicily? Will it be accessible?
I hope to see some new progress! <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="(//smile.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
Looks great!
hope that its finished soon <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/biggrin.png" alt="(//bigsmile.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
This is gonna be like the 'complete' game, amazing work.
lostinmafia_heaven asked me by Message
1) In your M2.v3 free ride mod, will we be able to 'shoot from car'?
yes with the addition of a file modified by zahar999
and another file modified by Dandwell, which can get into a car as a passenger
2) And do you have an estimated release date?
I don't know.
example: I had to finish this Weekend FR JA v3.0, and I have not worked on it.
I must first finish FR JA. ( old name planned FR JA v2.1, but it will be called FR JA v3.0 )
and after I will finish FR M2 v3.0
<hr class="bbcode_rule" />
and we can attack the tests in
FR M2 v4.0
- Full Empire Arms Hotel
- Full observatory
- + other script
FR JA v4.0
- Supermarket
- + other script ??
again writing a new script
such as my first writing for animation or it was necessary to calculate delay.
the second writing is different, more calculation period for the same result.
all these changes I do not find them in 5 minutes. I am not a programmer, just a man curious.
Another example of curious man zahar999
We are all expecting your great work :woohoo: . So are we going to see this JA FR soon or does it require more time to finish?
I've a question about empire arms hotel. First of all in which freeride will be available (M2 3.0 OR M2 4.0) beacuse I really want to see him outside the mission room service. And it will be possible that there will be people just like in the mission?? You know walking around, talking to each other, drinking, I remember there was a piano player just like in the maltese falcone cafe downtown. I just thought this will be more realistic and fun.
100% only in FR M2 v4.0.
but you can already test the FR of Zahaar
http://narod.ru/disk/43346887001.c57113 ... n.rar.html (http://narod.ru/disk/43346887001.c571138d83eaa33d4eee99bbaa859168/Freeride%20Mafia%20II%20recollection.rar.html)
http://narod.ru/disk/49171233001.379c6b ... n.rar.html (http://narod.ru/disk/49171233001.379c6bef83f69f2505fb9372b085fc1a/addition%20FR%20Mafia%20II%20recollection.rar.html)
For PNJ it's not possible without modifying the original file, which means that you can not make this chapter in the game.
and there is not enough space in the FR: the file has a size limit.
Look here
<div></div> (//forum/22-existenz34-s-mods/8184-free-ride-for-dlc-joe-s-adventures-v3-0?limit=6&start=36#8552)
thank you for advertising!
small correction
addition to its old
<hr class="bbcode_rule" />
If you decide to try Free Ride
You can download
the full version here Mafia 2 "Freeride M2-????????????" (http://www.playground.ru/files/mafia_2_freeride_m2_vospominanie-53838/:21xthftu) or here Freeride Mafia II recollection.rar (http://narod.ru/disk/43346887001.c571138d83eaa33d4eee99bbaa859168/Freeride%20Mafia%20II%20recollection.rar.html:21xthftu)
addition here Mafia 2 ??? ??????? ? "Freeride Mafia II ??? ?????????" (http://www.playground.ru/files/mafia_2_dopolnenie_k_freeride_mafia_ii_vospominanie-58878/:21xthftu) or here addition v2 FR Mafia II recollection.rar (http://narod.ru/disk/52499571001.6177598791c0ab36570ff49c03d74193/addition%20v2%20FR%20Mafia%20II%20recollection.rar.html:21xthftu)
The Empire Arms hotel
<div class="ipsSpoiler_header">
<div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div></div>
Dans ta prochaine mise a jour pourrais-tu y inclure E-Key pianiste, et acheter le journal, prendre un repas chez freddy
Thanks zahar999 and eXistenZ34. Finally I can see the empire arms hotel outside of the mission.
O and one more thing. Is it possible to translate this free ride in english beacuse I don't read cyrillic. And what does this addition to the freeride does??
copy and paste the contents of "sds_ru" in the folder of your language :
"sds_en" or "sds_fr" or ........
Ok the empire arms hotel does't work perfectly. When I get into garage it works but when I get into elevator and choose UP nothing happens just elevator doors turn blue in a couple of seconds and that's it. What seems to be the problem here??
The doors will close.
and the mounted hard several minutes.
i cant get in to Derek office the door will not open also vito flat the one with the land lord
Ok it works now.
QuoteThe doors will close.
and the mounted hard several minutes.
By the way why so long lift rises
in chapter is much faster
could have a team of
speed for the elevator?
document in the archive was "info"
it is in Russian
make the translation
to know all the possibilities Free Ride how to play
in addition
new characters
skirmish in the "Market Arcade" (only in winter!) exit near the glass doors on the street!
shooting from the car (use off the police or passenger modes)
Animation for the toilet in every house (in winter and summer)
"action" around the toilet
If the "flush" will overlap with the "action"
Then click a few times!
Removed auto repair and cleaning of landing in the car
place only above the full version!
Your freeride and addition zahar999 are very good and interesting. But I miss two things:
1. There is no weather changing option like in fr ja and no option for changing traffic and music from 50s to 40s in summer.
2. The elevator in the empire arms hotel needs 3 min from garage to the 18th floor which is a little long.
document in the archive was "info"
it is in Russian
make the translation
to know all the possibilities Free Ride how to play
changes in weather happens when you go to bed
"action" by the bed + Works animation sleep(all homes)
or in homes in the options menu "Preferences"
changing traffic and music from 50s to 40s - no
I know this is not possible but it would be awesome to have a freeride where you can go in any place, apartment, hotel... that was used or shown in the missions, dynamic daylight and weather (like in gta where the clock exsists) beacuse i'm really missing that. Also the larger map whit countryside like in mafia 1.
You can go anywhere
All locations are open from the main plot
in a varying degree
so far we have not seen and can not attend
only two places
pizzeria and an old family apartment Vito
files in the game and may someday
there craftsman and activates them
more in the game in the video was a court
but such a file in the game have left
is this mod available to the general public?
it sounds like it's being played, but i can't tell if it's out yet,
are these tests i'm reading about?, it sounds great, i'm a total fan of your work, i wish i could do things like this, but i lack the skills, thank you for the awesome mods, you rock!
Sure, there is the method and the link
http://www.mafiascene.net/forum/22-exis ... tures-v3-0 (http://www.mafiascene.net/forum/22-existenz34-s-mods/8184-free-ride-for-dlc-joe-s-adventures-v3-0)
QuoteCan't wait for it' date=' how is the progress ? <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="(//smile.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"> [/quote']
when i asked him in january/february the mod was almost done <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue.png" alt="(//tongue.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
but i don't care how long it takes i care of the quality and i'm sure it will be a good mod
thank you, but,I have mafia 2 "joes adventures" v3.0 i was wondering about the "Mafia 2 v3.0
when it will be completed?
I have not enough free time and not enough space in the script for it, so I do not know.
can be with http]
but still, it requires an enormous time of work for me. (//forum/22-existenz34-s-mods/9795-new-on-my-work#9795)
Hi eXisten,my best thanks for your exceptional work.I'm not a computer expert,but i can do almost everything with Solidworks...if i can help you by creating some models/textures to convert and put it in your project for the game,i'm at your disposal.What you doing is a hard thing,and what you doing we all enjoy it...WE MUST HELP YOU!P.S.My sorry for my bad english...(//smile.gif)
How's the progres at the mod?
Looks very interesting. Where I can download it? If it is not finished, then older versions. I can't find any Mafia 2 FR mods, where i can save game. <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/unsure.png" alt="(//irritated.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/unsure@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
may i ask when doesit come? im waiting fot it <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="(//smile.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
It launch all ready, follow the link and the procedure to install it: <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="(//smile.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
http://www.mafiascene.net/forums/22/8184 (http://www.mafiascene.net/forums/22/8184)
QuoteIt launch all ready, follow the link and the procedure to install it: <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="(//smile.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
http://www.mafiascene.net/forums/22/8184 (http://www.mafiascene.net/forums/22/8184)
I thought Freeride Mafia II and Joe's adventures were different projects...
Sorry, My mistake
so any body knows when does it come?
When is the release?
Unfortunately, I board not much time for M2 at this moment.
and the little time I have, I spend on FR JA.
any part or you are in the hotel it is not script FR M2, this is not the original script of the game
and of course you can play the game without problem.
In this video I have made the animation of the pianist, the wife and the man at the bar, as you can see there is still much to do.
and I will do it also for the Chinese restaurant (opium smoking, labo)
and after Port, seagift, arcade, forge, distillerie, éric, Observatoire (Full avec le Dôme déjàvérifier)...
tout cela reste a vérifier
PS: I recontacted zahar
Test barman animation + Alberto joke
thank's zahar999 for info on alberto.
test animation & reaction
That is some nice stuff you did there eXistenZ34!
Very well done existenz <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile.png" alt="(//smile.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
I hope it will be ready soon <img src="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink.png" alt="(//wink.gif)" data-emoticon="" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">
Some people found the cut "Scaletta Pizzeria" Here: